
Do they have changing the Gurad at Buckingham Palace on Saturday?......if so what time will it take place?

by  |  earlier

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Sorry, I meant 'Guard'!




  1. Hi ya,, yes they do have changing of the guard on every day at 11am and is done by the regiment that has the duty of guarding the palace for that period,, they change the regiment on a regular basis,, and is always Worth seeing

    PS,, don't forget to take your camera

  2. The schedule for Changing Of The Guards is at this link...

  3. You really need to check the schedule, which is published online - - because various things around London can alter the schedule from month to month. (The Tour de France did this month, believe it or not!) Normally, you could expect to see a changing of the guard on a Saturday, but take it from a Londoner whose had to take o/s rellies around without checking, it pays just to make sure!

  4. 3pm. . .right before the 4 O'clock tea.

    be there or be square mate.

  5. I was there a month ago and went on a Saturday at 11am.

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