
Do they have father daughter dances at ALL weddings??? {{read inside}}?

by  |  earlier

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If the bride's father passed away, would they still have a father daughter dance at her wedding?

and does every daughter have to participate?




  1. The father-daughter dance symbolizes the handing off one lasting love to another.  The bride should pick the person most responsible for raising her.

    No, every daughter does not.  The "father/daugher" just starts the dance off by themselves, then maybe the bridesmaids/grooms, then all can drift in.

  2. Uh... clearly if the father is deceased the dance can't happen.  But perhaps the bride could do something at this time to honor her father in another way, if she wishes.  I don't fully understand your second question.  Does every daughter of that father join in the dance?  No!  Just the bride, it's her day.

    Things such as this are "traditional".  But that doesn't mean ones wedding has to be "traditional".

    There are A LOT of web sites out there that have great ideas for brides and grooms.  Go onto a search engine and look up "wedding traditions", "Weddings nontraditional", things of this nature, and find the things that will make the wedding personal - after all it is a special day for the bride and groom.

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