
Do they have martial arts in college like they have football and basketball???

by Guest56145  |  earlier

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Do they have martial arts in college like they have football and basketball???




  1. some selcet schools have club sports, most likely not MMA but select individual martial arts

  2. if they do it is probably in the form of a club or a boxing or wrestling team.

    odds are if you haven't wrestled before college you aren't good enough to make the team.

  3. There is a college out in california called concordia that offers a bachelors degree in TKD.

    As far as i know, if there were any other colleges that do martial arts, it would probably be in club format.

  4. Yes.  But it's usually a club.

  5. your a lame so in your case i hope they do!

  6. I know Orange Coast College offered a few styles of martial arts as a class.  Thai Chi for instance or Karat basics.  They would normally allow a local school owner to teach at the school and receive a small payment for each student.  the goal for the instructor is to build their school outside of the class (once the semester ends the students joins his/her studio).

    I have friends who enjoyed these classes and took advantage although I selected to pay my way on my own over the year rather than sign up for another college course.

    But no colleges do not typically offer martial arts competitively as an organized sport, unless as it's been mentioned below it's done as a club.  I took part in Rugby as a club team when at the university level, fun but not truly a sport offered by the school.  Club teams can also cost you a bunch more money.

    You may simply look to find a competitive team in your schools area and sign up directly with them and do it away from school.


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