
Do they have random drug testing in rugby?

by  |  earlier

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if so have any teams been striped of medals or WCs because of testing? just wondering....




  1. Yes, they do have random drug testing in Rugby.   Many were tested during the recent World Cup...I think around 180...all were negative.

  2. No I think they don`t have.

  3. Yes they do and have had for some while.  Players in this world cup were tested randomly, and none came back with any substances.  There was a Fijian player, i think his name was Rupeni Caucaunibuca, was banned from this world cup due to marijuana found in his system a few months back

  4. yes they do have random  drug testing in rugby.  I remember walter Little had some ban substance back in the 90's when rugby went pro.  he said he took pain killers for a headache.  

    I'm not sure if the team or player would be stripped of medals etc.  There was a rumour that ex Sprinbox, James Small use to take drugs before a match to make him more agro...

  5. Have not heard of it.... the predominant substance found in a rugby players blood would doubtless be ALCOHOL!

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