
Do they know if you haven't renewed your car insurance?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't the time money or patience to renew it just yet, do they know will they penalise me yet more?




  1. Yes they do.

  2. Well!, Put it this way.

    If you don't renew your insurance and get caught, that's 6 points and a fine of £200+.

    If you can't afford it, you shouldn't have bought a car in the first place!

    So why don't you just prioritise things and get it insured. because if you do get caught you won't be able to pay the find either, will you?

  3. Yes

  4. Yes insurance companies are to let the states know when it is not renewed. With your attitude  you really should not drive .

  5. Oh yes   ,  Insurance  companies  all advise Swansea on line of renewals or new policies. No money  ,  no insurance,   get car off the road then.     Currently crushing hundreds of cars each week ,  even new ones.   You are very irresponsible    

  6. depends who your asking about of course your insurance company will when it comes to the police a traffic car will know straight away due to the vehicles number plate recognition checking your plates against the data base where as a normal police car would have to pull you over and check

  7. Once a policy is expired a notification is sent automatically to the DMV. If the vehicle is still registered the DMV will require you to obtain an insurance policy. If you do not provide proof of insurance coverage they will most likely require you to obtain an SR22 which will give the DMV permission to monitor you via insurance for 3 years.

    It doesn't take much time to renew an insurance policy. In most cases it can be done over the phone

  8. Interestingly my car is not insured. It is a Japanese import bought direct from the dealer and I have written confirmation from six insurance companies that it doesn't exist so I can neither insure it or need to because you can't have an accident with a car that doesn't exist!

  9. You are an idiot if you drive uninsured. There is a computerised database with your details on it. Number plate recognition cameras are linked to it. Apart from that if you get caught you will be hammered well and truly, and rightly so.

  10. In Arkansas (U.S.) the insurance companies contact the DMV if you stop coverage. This is then available to an officer when you get stopped for a traffic violation. You are then getting a bill for the towing of the vehicle (they don't let you drive away)  besides the ticket for being uninsured.

  11. Just want to endorse all the replies that point out how stupid and irresponsible you are. To drive a car on public roads Road Traffic Act insurance is required.

    There is an exception though, some very large fleet operators can put up a bond set against third party liabilities. Some police forces and haulage compnies do this but I believe the bond is several million pounds.

    Oh, by the way the Queen doesn't require insurance on her official car but then it isn't registered at DVLA either!.

  12. Your car could, in an accident, cause thousands of pounds of damage.

    Why should the victim of the accident have to end up out of pocket.

    You are being irresponsible.

    You could also be personally sued and end up losing everying.

  13. Definately.

    All insurance companies are obliged to inform the DVLA at Swansea about the status of vehicle insurance. This is automatic and done by computer database so there are no exceptions.

    The police operate number plate checking systems, both mobile vand and fixed cameras (like speed cameras). These automatically check every vehicle with the database and if any mis-match of insurance or tax is found the police are notified.

    You stand to get a very heavy fine, risk a ban, risk having your car confiscated (true) and a record. If you hit anyone and there is an injury you could also face a prison term. In other words, uninsured drivers get everything thrown at them - and quite right too.

  14. The Police, DVLA, local councils and some authorised Bailiff company's have access to the ANPR system (Automatic Number Plate Recognition).

    Will the authority's know that you haven't insured your car, of course they will.

    Time to stop being silly.

  15. Will you have the money or patience if you have an accident and are not insured, or are stopped  by the police for some triviality and caught out  driving without insurance and have your car taken from you. Is it really worth the risk.  

  16. Dear, dear, dear Wave.  You honestly don't have a clue as to what will happen.  If you get caught with no insurance your car is towed immediately.  then you have to pay to get it out of impound.  To do that you have to show proof of insurance.  Think your rates are bad now wait till they find out you haven't maintained insurance.  your rates are going to soooaaarrr!!!!!  Then you have the court fines which are going to make your broke.  This is on a good day.

    Let's say you had and accident.  If someone hit you and they had no  insurance how would you feel?  why do the same thing back to someone else.  If you cause damage to someone else's vehicle you will have to pay back the insurance company every penny, including  damages, rental, injuries, lost wages and so on.  depending on the amount, the insurancecompaniess can file with the state to take your license until it's ALL paid.

    You don't have the time, patience or money but yet you had the time and patience to post the question and you could have obtained a quote in half the time.  

    Honestly, you didn't really think you wouldn't catch grief for your question did you????  As far as being responsible, yes this makes your irresponsible.  Sorry!!!!

  17. For car insurance the obvious way to get a very good rate is do a policy comparison on car policies. Make certain that you pick similar policies with the same limits, car model, location, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have top name insurers and will give multiple prices on car insurance polices.

  18. Depends on the state in which you reside. In Oregon, insurance companies are required to report when a client cancels insurance within two weeks of the cancellation. Once the state receives the info, you receive a letter regarding the info, and also what will happen if you don't comply with the law. So, short answer, contact your state to find out if reporting is required. If it is, you stand to lose alot by not complying..........many states will suspend your registration, some will suspend your driving license, so best to know for sure.  

  19. YES.

    Car tax,insurance and mot are all linked now on a database.

  20. even joe public can find out if ANY car is insured....imagine what the police can find ouit...

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