
Do they like me?? cuz i like them!! lol :)?

by Guest55916  |  earlier

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heyy.. theres's this kid who i like.. well there twins.. & i kinda like both of them.. i saw them last week.. && one of the guys(a) who realyy never talked to me was talking to me && staring @ me.. && he was asking to see my phone when i was texting my friend about && the other twin (b).. sat next to me a lot.. stared @ me.. talked to me.. && at dinnner he sat next to me & poured me my drink.. lol :) both of the twins came to my house && they were in the pool with my brother && his friend.. & everyone was outside expect me..&& i went upstairds to change into my bathing suit.. && .. i had a 2 peice with shorts && a shirt on top.. && when i came outside i looked in the pool real quick & then both of the twins were looking @ me.. && i didnt go in the pool && then both of htem wanted me too.. they were like bee come in the pool.. do u think they could like me?? && which one do u think does?? please help me!! :)




  1. they probably do like you. You should not choose any of them bc it will only cause drama. But if you don't mind, choose the first twin.

  2. You sound so unready for a relationship.

  3. 2 me they both lyke you.

  4. I think you need to calm down.  

    If you wanna know if they like you, ask them.

    It sounds to me like they're just being friendly with you.

  5. Calm down you are reading way too much into this.

  6. I would chose twin number 2

  7. Ok ..

    Calm down love. They're being respectful, which is what you don't find in guys these days.

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