
Do they like me?

by  |  earlier

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Ok when i get of the bus and walk backe home

these group of boys always play football in the cage in

the middle of the park. one of the boy said to his friend

"why are you scared of her".

that obviously gave me a clue they wanted to talk

but in the morning when my dad dropes me to school there is no one in the cage playing football just because i dont walk through the park in the mornings.

when i walked past them all of them where stareing at me.




  1. maybe 1 of them does and theyre all watching u just cuz 1 of them does idk

  2. You're very advanced for a toddler - though any older and I'd be worried about your grasp of the English language.

  3. This is the "TODDLER AND PRESCHOOLER" section.

    How old are you/??

  4. Sorry, your English is so poor, it is difficult to understand, WHAT IS YOUR QUESTION?

  5. yep.

  6. I'd say the one who is "scared of you" likes you.

  7. maybe :)
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