
Do they num u befor giveing u the iv in your arm always?

by Guest64813  |  earlier

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ok i am getting a iv tommorw and i am really scared do the nurses num u always be for giveing u the iv in your arm causes if they do i would be ok if they num me but my docter said they wont num me will they when i get my iv tommorw plz help i am really scared of the iv




  1. They usually numb an area with an injection, right?   Look the other way and smack yourself or something to keep your mind on something else.

  2. I am a nurse and I have to tell you it all depends on the nurse who does it. some nurse will and some don't. you can ask them to numb the area where the IV is going. don't be scared it will all be ok. I have done mant IV and have recived many IV in my past. it does not hurt that much and it all depends on where the IV is going to. the hand you should get numbed it is alittle more sensitive. but it will be alright just ask them to numb it before hand, ok. any questions email me at ok

  3. My wife was so afraid of needles especially IVs that she would pass out just in anticipation of the IV.  Now it is no problem.  She prefers not to be numb now because that stings more then the IV.

    Things to do that will help:

    Remember to breath, it helps to let out the stress

    Look the other way, you might not even no that they are done.

    Talk about something else with your nurse or someone.

    Tell yourself, it will be fine not to worry.

    You will be fine

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