
Do they put you to sleep during an abortion?

by  |  earlier

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Do they also sedate you so don't feel anything?




  1. no they dont put you to sleep.

  2. Nope. They don't need to. Its a fast and painless process. It takes 30 minutes max and often there cookies like at the blood bank (really!) it doesn't have to be scary or terrible especially if you can bring someone with you. There is a slight whirring from the machine but this might not be necessary. If you are early enough they give you a pill to take and you go home. You are making a hard decision and I'm proud of you for taking control of your body and future. Everything is going to be ok.

  3. It really depends on the patient's condition (how many weeks, anxiety, etc), their general health (risk for anesthesia), the patient's preference, and the anesthesiologist's judgment and preference.

    General anesthesia is not really needed in most cases. Conscious sedation is most often used. This is where you are sedated to the point that you are not aware of what is going on BUT can still respond to verbal commands and maintain your own airway (no breathing tube).

    Some abortions are done in a physician's office. Most likely, these involve conscious sedation. At the hospital, both methods can be used.

    Depending on the combination of medications used, you probably won't remember the procedure.

  4. I think you should be awake while they are murdering your baby! Why not adoption?Please don't do this!

  5. depends on the clinic, how far along you are and if you want to pay the extra for being put under. Most clinics tell you to take Ibuprofen a little bit before you show up and then use a local anesthetic.

  6. they freeze it hought, lol but not put yu to sleep, as that would cost you money czu it aint necessary, but they cud if u wanted i think.

  7. I heard from a doctor that they do not put you to sleep they just sedate you and you can go home that same day. They told me it would not hurt that it would be like  the little pinch when you get your paps. I dont know form experience though

  8. they can at your request if you don't go to sleep they give you a local that will just make you relax you won't be asleep

  9. no they dont put you to sleep


  11. i was given vicodin but i could feel everything and it was the most painful thing i've ever felt and i would never do it again

  12. They do not put you to sleep but they may give you something to relax you. Maybe. But not to sleep!!!!

  13. I'm pretty sure they keep you awake, or you can ask to be sedated if you're willing to pay for it I'm sure. I've also been told that it hurts quite a bit, like bad cramps.

  14. they dont put u to sleep but they do sedate u... it still hurts

  15. how would you like to fall asleep with a healthy baby in your stomach and wake up knowing its dead?! thats really nice of you...adoption is always good!!

  16. yes

  17. I never had a abortion..but i heard about it..they put medicaiton in side of you that will not make it hurt ..and you do not know whats happening..they do a D and c on you..(dilation and curttage)..and they scoop the baby right out..

  18. No, why don't you google the procedure and find out what happens yourself???  You are totally conscious and aware of what is happening.

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