
Do they really care-- a rich congress?

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Do they really care about the poor..or does it make them feel better about being rich know like tossing a soup bone to a homeless person.

They already have their money and are willing to make it tougher for the rest of us to reach the top. Here's what they dont want you to know.




  1. They care about the poor only so they will vote for them and give them more power.  They could care less about the true plight of the poor.  If they honestly cared, they wouldn't be driving their luxury cars and buying multiple homes.

    The Libertarian Party is the only party that truly cares for the common American anymore, but the Libertarian Party is the most unorganized and pathetic party in the US.  We really need to do something about this.

  2. Of course they do not care. If they did, they would not have spent an entire generation running this country into the ground. The rich get richer,and we become a third world country owing most of our debt to, of all places, China!! If they gave a hoot about anything besides their bank accounts we would be energy independent and leading the world in clean energy technology, amongst many other things. Instead, our schools don't teach and the only thing we lead in is conspicuous consumption, because the ill-educated think they, too, can one day be rich.

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