
Do they really do a reference check at American Eagle?

by  |  earlier

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I am applying for a job at American Eagle and someone told they that you needed atleast a bit of experience to have a shot of getting in. I've worked at my father's store for a few months and have decided to put that down as a reference.

My question to you guys is: Do they really call up to make sure you've worked there?

My father speaks broken english. I prefer that they do not call.




  1. Well I recently applied there and they didn't check my references (and I got the job).  But if you put something down they need to be able to check it, that's the point of a reference.  If you are not comfortable with them calling a reference then you shouldn't put it down.  Also, it's really not very professional to put family members down as references.

  2. They do check it.  I dont think it matters that your father speaks broken english though.  I saw the application that I turned in and the manager had written notes on it from when she talked with my previous employer, so if you give them a reference they will call.

  3. First question does your father know you are applying for a job?  Second question on the application do you list it as your father's store or just the name of the store?

    The reason is most companies including AE will call to verify that you worked there and a few simple questions based on the type of work, they are not allowed to ask questions as to specifics and most have companies that know what to ask and how.

    Hope that helps.

  4. Yes they will call. You can bet on it.

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