
Do they search your bags on a cruise like they do on a plane?

by Guest65793  |  earlier

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if one would like to bring a certin kind of herb on his cruise adventure would one be able to do that

if you know what im talking about




  1. DO NOT DO IT! My friends took a Carnival Cruise a few years ago, they got on fine with it - no problem, but the 1st night on board they let the dogs run through the halls & guess what - they stopped at their room (they had smoked in their earlier). They had it, inside the safe, inside a bottle OF LOTION, but they found it! Just be careful my friend! It's not worth the risk...get it when you get off the ship or just wait til you get home - you can make it with just the alcohol on board - i have faith in you! =)

    *edit: agreed that the laws are international, even more of a reason to watch your back...they ended up paying them off...heh

  2. I think it should be legal. You should be allowed to smoke weed just like others enjoy tobacco products. It isn't legal, however, and if you got caught it would ruin your trip.

    I'll never forget my first cruise back in 1986. The cruise director told us "if you bought "anything" in Mexico, flush it down the toilet, trash can it or throw it overboard. The customs agents will be checking all your luggage at the dock". I barely got to bring a bouquet of roses back. The customs agent actually picked them up and smelled them, not the flower part but the stems.

  3. you better not bring Anny herbs to a cruise you will be arrested they have every sorts of searching that people don't know=

    and laws on a cruise ship are International

    and you will be punish for violating International laws

  4. i know people who had a few rolled in their cigarette pack and got away with it. just keep the pack of cigs in your pocket while boarding, and don't look paranoid. good luck.

  5. they x-ray them and have a dog sniff them but thats all. best answer plz

  6. Your carry-on goes through an xray and your other luggage is put in a place off limits to the public, but I have seen dogs sniffing the luggage a few times also. I can't imagine where you could use anything like that too because of the smell. It is not worth getting thrown off the ship to take a chance on bringing anything like that.

  7. listen  read all my old questions about cruisin and weed . everyone said no u cant u goin to jail blah blah blah i just went on a carnival cruise to jamaica and got some weed that made me see cross eyed and i slept for a day. i didnt bring any on when i boarded cuz i was listening to the non smokers and lames! i could have put it on top of my head and walked in with it! it was no dogs  no strip search non none of that  the scanner is like for guns not pot as long as u keep it on u its cool!i put it up my crotch once we left jamaica. it was so easy to get. everyone asked us did we want to buy it. its no smking on the cruise so we smoked in the bathroom with the hot water on and lit a cig and let it burn and kept spraying air spray and cover the door  underneath to the hall way and put ur privacy sign up till later when the smells gone. email me for more tips...

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