
Do they speak English in New Zealand?

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I'm from Massachusetts and I'm planning to visit the beautiful state of New Zealand this fall. I've heard Australia is full of surprises, so New Zealand is definitely one of the places I wish to visit. It appears to be the most popular Australian state.

Anyway, is English widely spoken in New Zealand? Will I be able to understand them? Or should I memorize a few phrases in the local language to communicate better? Please advise.




  1. First of all New Zealand is NOT part of Australia. It is also NOT a state. It is its own country divided into two islands (North & South). There are also smaller islands considered to be a part of it. Yes we DO speak English in NZ. Although some people speak Maori and there is a lot of kiwisms or kiwi slang.

  2. Yes they speak english.. but its a really bad accent.. worse than an Aussie.. Its so annoying..

  3. Are you joking? If not, you are just reinforcing the world view that Americans no absolutely nothing about the rest of the world. Just to let you know Canada isn't a state of the US. And speak english as well. Maybe you should take a look at a map before your trip.

  4. sort of english lol nice place nice people commonly refered to as Australias east island the kiwis dont like that much

  5. far out americans just keep getting stupider and stupider. why dont you try asking in the new zealand section aswell you unit

  6. don't everybody just love the intelligence of the yanks so wordily & know so much

    Massachusetts is that state of mexico?


  7. What?   its not even the same country.. New Zealand isnt part of Australia...

    Yes, they speak english in New Zealand. they also have sheep..

    Why are Americans so ignorant sometimes?

  8. Australia is full of surprises and one surprise for you is that New Zealand is NOT a part of Australia.

    New Zealand is a separate country and yes they speak English.

  9. Geez, you've gotta laugh sometimes don't mate, New Zulund(actual pronunciation) isn't a state of Australia, although it should be, most of them are over here (Aussie). If you want to get a taste of New Zulund, you should head over here (Aussie), & go to Bondi, you can't fail to recognise them, bewildered looks, wearing "swan-drys"(a type of woolen smock), feigning rugby superiority, calling everyone "bro"(regardless of s*x").

    A few phrases for you to learn to get by in New Zulund.....

    "cheer cheer bro" (pronounced chair chair)...thank you,

    "sweet as bro" (pronounced sweet is) worries,

    "cool as bro" (pronounced cool is)...that's good,

    "choice bro" (pronounced choyce bro)...that's extremely good,

    "kiora bro" (pronounced kioda bro)...hello,

    "hari ra bro" (pronounced hudi rar)...goodbye.

    I don't know.....some people!!

  10. "Laivina" is correct. New Zealand is a separate country to the east of Australia.

    The people speak English with a slightly differently accent to Australians, but vastly different from Americans. Both Australians and New Zealanders write using British English and they have some variation in the meaning of words --  i.e.

    Car Bonnet -- the cover above the engine compartment NOT the  luggage area.

    Car Boot -- the luggage compartment of a car.

    Toilet  or Lavatory  or Rest-room -- What the Americans call the 'Bathroom'

    Bathroom -- Where a person has a bath or shower.

    Petrol --  What Americans call 'Gas'

    There are other colloquialism, but you will be able to pick them up. American slang has creeped into both Australian and NZ language, especially with the younger generations.

  11. New Zealand is not part of Australia, it's an entirely different country. It's gorgeous, and the people there are amazing. Yes, they do speak english, and their accent sounds a little Australian, but a tad more refined.

  12. Culturally NZ is almost the same as Australia and they have a very close relationship, but the landscape is very different. It is cooler and has spectacular mountain scenery. You will definately enjoy it. Perhaps find a Lonely Planet guide to NZ and also one for Australia.

  13. You're kidding right? There is no way anyone could possibly think that New Zealand is a state of Australia or that they don't speak English though fushnchups would be a good phrase to learn.

    Methinks we may have a stirrer here!

  14. ok we get the fact that this person didn't know that New Zealand wasn't part of Australia..


    yes, the speak english, and i think you should definitely come visit!

    isn't learning about other countries one of the main reasons we travel?

    I recommend Queensland, New South Wales, and if your still interested New Zealand (even though its not in aus)

    well hope wherever you go that you enjoy it :D

  15. surely you jest

    new zealand has nothing to do with Australia

    i know americans can be ignorant about the world but  not this ignorant

  16. Yes, they do speak English. However, they have their own strong accent which for me, is quite hard to understand. But generally, you will be fine.

  17. I suggest  that before you travel anywhere in the world that you actually know where it is that you are travelling to. New Zealand as has been pointed out is and never has been a part of Australia.

    They do speak English, even though they get their vowels mixed up replacing I with E and so on.

    They have two languages that of their Maori (forgive me for not actually knowing the proper name of the language)peoples and the other being English.

  18. Massa Chew Sets that is something to do with false teeth right?

  19. Yes they speak English in New Zealand , the same as the USA and Canada , New Zealand has no second language, only English. I have friends from there and friends who have gone there , and they all say it is very beautiful, you are sure to love it.

  20. They THINK they speak English! No you wont understand a word and they ARE NOT a state of Australia. we let their unemployed in but wont accept ALL of them!!!!

  21. If you know so little about Australia/New Zealand then why bother coming here.

    Australia is a country

    New Zealand is a country not a state!

    Look at a globe ffs, its not that hard.

    Australia is much more popular then New Zealand, the popular states are Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

    No they speak jibberish so don't bother going, can't you tell that I'm writing in jibberish, duh.

    Perhaps you could learn something before going and that would be to pull your head out of your ***.

  22. NZ is not part of Australia.

    There is a whole wide world outside of America !

    'American' as you know it is not spoken in NZ - but they do speak English, wear clothes and use knives and forks to eat with.  They even have cars, aeroplanes & computers.

    Suggest you check out the tourism websites of the countries you plan on travelling to before you leave home so you don't embarrass yourself further.

  23. no we all speak Maori in New Zealand and wear grass skirts didn't you know thats part of its popularity??

    oh that and the fact that it is NOT PART OF AUSTRALIA

  24. New Zealand is an entirely different country with a different culture from Australia. Your just trying to stir calling it a state.

    If you had looked up anything about NZ you would have seen that it was an 'ENGLISH' colony. Yes NZ is the main language with 99% of the population speaking english (not american)

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