
Do they still make the Titlest Professional golf ball?

by  |  earlier

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I used to love to play that ball, before I stopped for a bit, do they still make it?




  1. I do not think so.

  2. Try ebay.

  3. The old Titleist Professional ball , 90 and 100 compression , was the ball of choice several years ago. As happens in the marketing end of the business, you need something to liven the market so Titleist introduced the ProV series of golf balls .These are the best selling balls in today's market.

  4. The Titleist Pro V1 continues to set the high performance standard by which all other golf balls are measured.

  5. NOPE. Sorry

  6. No, and it would be crazy to play that dead ol' golf ball with what is currently available.

  7. yes

  8. No the professional used to be their top of the line ball several years ago but it has been replaced by a choice of two different ProVs.

  9. No they do not, they switched to the Pro V series,  you can probally get them on ebay now, but why, when the new technology is soooo much better.  The Pro V puts the professional ball to shame.

  10. The Professional line has been discontinued and replaced by the ProV1 and ProV1x, which now dominates the market.

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