
Do they still throw everone out of Newcastle station until 1.30am. Aren't GNER responsible for our safety?

by Guest58625  |  earlier

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There are several theatres in Newcastle (the RSC perform here). Yet if you miss the train southwards (to Durham and Darlington) that's just after 10pm you get put out onto the street to await the 2am train. Surely GNER are neglecting the safety of their passengers? It is safer to go to York where there are two trains northwards after 11pm, and you don't get thrown out of the station. But why do this at Newcastle? Surely it's irresponsible?




  1. what you have to remember is that unfortunately G.N.E.R does not own Newcastle Station, it is owned in fact by Network Rail, and any decision to evict anyone is down to them.

    have you actually been removed from the station yourself or is this something you have heard from someone else?if so i would write to customer services at  Network Rail to find out why?

  2. that other person is wrong the station IS run by GNER.....I used to work to national rail so i know. Unfortunatly no, it is not theyre responsibility to look out for your safety. They close the station after the last train around 10pm......the staff go home so apart from cleaners there is nobody there! they reopen around 2am (this is classed as 1st train) where night staff its not a case of they dont care.....its that the staff like anyone else have homes to go to.

  3. It depends if there is a problem with beggers and homeless - the vast majority of stations close overnight with no access to the platforms

  4. no idea, but maybe worth sending a note to GNER asking them to clarify

  5. they are entitled to clean their station and turn you out whenever they like..., and why moan about it.?. catch the 2200 train... simple.!!  not forgetting, if you have brought a day return, and catch the 0200 train.. you are trespassing and liable to prosecution, as your ticket will be out of date......also if you have no ticket, they can have you done too.....

  6. I think it might be network rail who throw you out.There maybe several reasons for the drunks and dossers out...station cleaning...but if you have a valid ticket they should let you in

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