
Do they still train people to fight like.....?

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Just wondering if they still train (whether that is the right word) people how to fight like the spartans the trojans with swords and shields?

You help will be much appreciated.




  1. I'm sure they do...but I was told they have to come to can't find them

  2. You can certainly learn and train those techniques -- the information is available and you can find detailed technique in various books available out there. There are books for most any kind of fighting through history, that will teach you how it's done.

    Personally I practise Gladius with my friends, and even my dad in fact -- and yes we use real swords and shields, and yes we do get hurt, a lot! But as a Greek I practise this technique not only as a historical sport and combat style, but as an honour to my ancestors, their way of life, and their sacrifices. I am very in-tune with my heritage and culture and find sword arts -- such as Gladius -- dazzling and intriguing.

    The ancients had a dance called the Dance of the Korybantes, in which dancers (Korybantei) would take the phalanx, and other techniques of war practised by the Greeks in combat, and turned them into a choreographed dance to portray the honour of fighting. I believe there is much information about this still around as well.

    So yes, you can certainly learn and practise combat techniques such as the phalanx. While they don't "train" people to do it, per se, you can learn it on your own or from others who have learned the esoteric skill of phalanx combat. If I knew you I'd certainly love to have another accomplice to face off against. :]

    Here's some of the gear I use, for reference:

    (As you can see, it's been through a lot).

    It is very historically correct, an important aspect in my opinion. Sorry I couldn't photograph my shield, but you can see it here (as well as buy it):

    The site I just referenced has TONS of realistic (and real) gear for this type of thing -- if you want a sword that is forged to be historically accurate, and will actually stand up in combat, make sure to look at the items marked "battle ready" only. Anything else will not have a "real" blade, is not made accurate to its historical counterparts, and will in fact break easily.

    Also for reference here is a link to the sword pictured above:

    EDIT: Oh and, Kendo has NOTHING to do with what this guy's asking. Kendo doesn't even deal with shields (called the Aspis, to Greeks), and is a Japanese fighting style that is nothing at all like the ancient style of the Greeks and Trojans (far superior in war).

  3. a lot of groups are learning the old styles yes, and you can go along and learn off them.

    But the problem is no one really knows if it is correct, or they are teaching it wrong.

    because no one had needed to fight to the death the last few hundred years.

    For any sport you need to do the real thing to test it. Otherwise as good as it seems, there is a small chance it is all baloney in real life.

    If you really want to learn sword fighting do olympic style fencing. They carve up everyone.Then learn to make up your own shield stuff yourself.

  4. With swords? No. But with truncheon and shields, yes. Most Riot Police squads around the world train in the proven ancient Greek and Roman shield formations to deal with unruly protesters or mobs during riots in the streets.

  5. No. That's why they got guns bud ;)

  6. Unfortunately not that I know of.

  7. im sure they do google it

  8. Yeah they do! I think it's the special body guards of the Pope who train in over 30 Martial Arts and skills for Armed/unarmed combat! I forgot there names. Anyway they dress like clowns and I think there dutch or french! I'm sorry but I forgot. They will kill anyone.

  9. Yes It's called Kendo, Children start off with sticks and move to swords

    I trained my self with sticks caleld Philipines I think it spelled

    and I'm an army fighting machine lol

  10. yes. i have a friend in dallas who trains with broadswords, axes and shield. they consider themselves to be "living history" and sometimes do re enactments. also japanese style samurai fighting with swords is called ken do and this is taught in schools all over.

  11. h**l yea

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