
Do they teach s*x-ed in public schools in the United States?

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There are a lot of questions from young people being asked on this site, that should have been answered if not by the asker's parent, then from school. Can somebody tell me what is going on here?




  1. yep i just had it...ewww gross

  2. Back seat romances. It is not new.

  3. They did in my high school without parents consent which was great. Coincidently, our class made it out without an unwanted pregnancy.

    I'm with you. But thse PTA moms stand firm on their abstinence campaign which is fine to suggest but as much liberty as kids have, I think we all know where that leads. Even guys my age (27) and a few in their late 30's dont even know how to properly wear a condom...majority if not all, dont even know what ovulation is.

  4. Kids don't always pay attention in School and Parents think the school is teaching them everything.  Failure on all sides

  5. yes they do around the fifth grade where i come from

  6. I agree with you...some of these questions are absurd.  I answered a question this morning from a girl asking if you can get pregnant a few days before your period!  When I was in school we had s*x ed but that was awhile ago

  7. hope not being british and anit american lol i think there country already has enough s*x crazed indviduals

  8. American public schools are a dismal failure at teaching anything.  They are run by ex-jock administrators who are clutching retirement in one hand and covering their butts with the other.  They are staffed by the most bourgeoise, yuppie, mediocre-minded losers imaginable.  Kids are more street-wise than their teachers.  The adults are afraid of the kids and the parents.  And when it comes to s*x, the middle-class State-college grad teachers are just chock full of:  "Oh, what do you want me to tell them oh great Church and State to whom I owe my 8 months a year "salary."  

    Next to pathetic in the dictionary is a picture of an American school.

  9. it is up to each state to include it in their curriculum...some states do, some do not...some teach it in elementary school (like my daughter's school) while some wait until middle is generally mandatory by the end of high school that a studeent will have learned the basics through bio or health class...unfortunately we have a lot of religious zealots in this country who protest the teaching of s*x ed in schools or hold their kids out of the classes...

  10. I think this is just a good place for people to ask questions and not feel shy or ashamed...because no body on here knows's more comfortable than talking to parents or teachers...

    It is taught in Florida schools...or at least it was when I was in school...I had it in 6th grade...didn't really teach me anything though...I feel those classes leave a lot of imformation out!

  11. they do in florida

  12. depends in what school.

  13. At my school, the gym teachers taught it to us all 3 years of middle school.  In highschool, you have to be in health class to learn about s*x ed.

  14. denpend on the school health program

  15. yes, but U.S is turning into a sexually repressed ultra conservative society and s*x-ed in schools is becoming controversial.

    but I can give u a tip on how to prevent pregnancy and STDs. All u have to do is to point at his thing and laugh lol.

  16. Well, they did teach us about our bodies and such in the 6th grade but some parents were against it so a lot of the children weren't taught. In high school we had a couple classes (relationships and child development) that taught us about our bodies, again, and how to properly use condoms. They also went through the different types of STD's and STI's and what they looked like (it was REALLY gross *gags*). I think it also varies from school to school and whether or not parents choose to allow their children to view these things.

  17. It's been a long time since I was in school. I did see an article the other morning, they where talking about They will answer any question that you may have.

  18. I think it depends on the school. I know Catholic schools don't.

  19. They teach it, but they teach it badly.  A lot of schools do abstinence-only s*x-ed, which is not at all informative.

  20. horrible public school system  thats what. i went through it and the teachers are overwhelmed by the amount of students they have. and for the most part they are all ungrateful little brats who could care less what thier teacher says

  21. I think it may depend on the state (education is regulated by the state). In Massachusetts, we sure have it! But you can opt out of it with permission from a parent.

  22. yes, they teach it in my school and you learn about all that stuff.

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