
Do they teach the America civil war in UK schools?

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Do they go into detail about the American civil war or not? Do you like to watch movies on the war? Whats your favorite movie on the war?




  1. I don't remember being taught on the american civil war at school, I don't think I have a favourite movie of the war, although I have seen many films on the war in different contexts (civil war, ww1, ww2 - from german, british, american, japanese points of view, among others) I have read some very interesting books on the subject though.

  2. I don't think so although American involvement in WW2 is obviously covered.

    I think that as time passes they teach reasonably recent history in Classes.

    Favourite movie is Black Hawk Down & Dirty Dozen

  3. Er we tend to study English History in England, with maybe a bit of European History.

    Manga Panda - are you sure you didn't study the American revolution and how that led to the French revolution?  

  4. No but they should as most of us were in it

  5. they did at the school i went to

  6. Yes we know all about it, but we are far more likely to spend more time studying the English Civil War.

  7. We did in Ireland. We covered the American civil war, how that influenced the French civil war which then influenced some Irish revolution in the 1790's. So we had two fairly detailed chapters but no movies.  

  8. The American civil war did not feature in any lessons at my school back in the 1960s.  I have very few favourite movies and none about wars.  History tends to be written by the victor and re-written by the film makers.  We need to keep our wits about us when deciding what to believe.  I take the general point about learning from history but feel, in the context of the American civil war, the circumstances are unlikely to recur ... wouldn't you say?

  9. ww 2 more..

    hhmm.. although I do remember all sorts of things like boston tea party...

    romans etc, inca's .. lots of things really. I'm getting to the point where I'm forgetting more than I learned.hehe

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