
Do they weigh you when you rent ski's at sports chalet?

by  |  earlier

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or do you just tell them it?

and your height.

i was just wonderinggggg.




  1. They normally just ask, although they will have scales if you don't know.  It would be very foolish to give a wrong figure.  The bindings, connecting your boots to the ski, are set, in part, according to your weight.  If the bindings are incorrectly set your skis will either come off too easily (which is very annoying) or will not come off when they should which could result in injury.

  2. Usually they just ask you and will have a scale on hand if you don't know.

    It's important to give them the right weight so that they can give you the right sized skis and set the bindings up correctly so that they release properly should you fall.

    That being said I'm pretty sure that if you totally outright lie (by saying you weigh 130 when you're closer to 180) they'll know and if they don't ask you again they'll eyeball it.  The staff at rental shops aren't there to judge, they're there to set you up with the best equipment that they can give you.  I think you can be fairly sure that after you get your gear and they're on lunch they won't be talking about "Fatty McFatterson" renting skis this morning unless of course you do lie your face off and give them some ridiculous number.

  3. ring them up and ask

  4. Ditto on all of that. Don't lie about your weight. Rental shop people could care less if you weight 100lbs or 300lbs. What they care about is setting the bindings correctly for your ability level and getting you on the correct size ski.

    If you understate your weight you could end up on a ski that is too short...however, if you are renting and you are a novice they will most likely give you a shorter ski to begin with.

    All this is done for safety reasons. You ride the wrong ski and crash...then ski patrol has to cart your body off the hill and paperwork needs to be filled out. Ski Patrol hates filling out paperwork.

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