
Do they weight the saddles during races to make all horse and jockeys the same weight?

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A friend said if a horse is too fast they weight the saddles. Is this true?




  1. Yes they do, all the jockeys and saddles must be the same weight in the kentucky derby.   the jock and saddle must weight 126 pounds for colts and geldings, and 121 for fillies in the triple crown races.   If the jockey is too light they add a little weight to the saddle.

    Eight bells was not put down due to the fact she couldn't race, she was unable to stand, and would not of lived for a couple hours more with how she was hurt, so they put her to sleep so she wasn't in pain.

  2. No. They always weigh each Jockey with the saddle,that is protocol for every race.

  3. not true. did you now that a horse broke his ankles in yesterdays kentucky derby and they killed him because he couldn't race anymore?

  4. no

  5. They do not all weigh the same. Look at the info before the race and you will see that they carry different weights, these are determined by the Track Handicapper. It is actually called the Handicap, hence the name of some races. This is done to make the race more fair. Otherwise you would have to make all of them weigh the same as the heaviest Jockey.

    Factors that go into the decision include, how may races has a horse won ( or positions at finish ) Age, s*x  and sometimes the difficulty of the races that have been run. But mostly it is s*x with Fillys getting a lighter handicap and age and experience of the horse. The wieght is a minimum that the horse can carry in a race. Sometimes you will see an announcement that the horse is overwieght. Does not mean a fat horse, means the Jockey couldn't sweat off enough to come in at the minimum.

    Edit: I only meant to answer for races in general, not specific races like The Derby. Some races do indeed require equal minimums as stated. In the Triple Crown a horse may still carry more, just not less. For instance some races are for first time racers and usually will have equal weight. While in a Maiden race ( horse has never won ) the handicap would be added for having raced before.

  6. Yes... but not to make them all the same weight. someone else will hopefully explain further.

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