
Do they work? The Internet has offers for water to hydrogen converter for cars promising 40% fuel savings???

by  |  earlier

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Do they work???? It sounds impossible that a quart of water could do something to an engines gas or diesel that would save hundreds of dollars of fuel. Is this a scam? $50 for plans on some sites. Too good to be true?




  1. Yes, it's too good to be true!  Water is hydrogen that's already been burned.  There's no more energy to be gotten out of it.

  2. A.  If the internet has it, then it must be true.

    B.  If it is too good to be true, it probably isn't.

    Now, really, A or B?  Convince us you're not retarded.  A or B?

    We're waiting.

  3. Sounds like land in Florida. Right off the freeway that runs from Miami to Havana.

  4. what they are making is HHO gas. Most people try to say that it is the same as H2O but it is not. HHO is actually a gas and is very combustible. to simply explain HHO difference between watter (H2O) is the H2O is arranged as HOH. Through electrolysis you can create HHO which is arranged as HHO not HOH. If that makes sense. It is possible.. Just search for it on YouTube and you will find all kinds of people making it. Some have even put it in cars and it does work.

    You pipe the HHO gas into your intake manifold which mixes with your gas and fuel mixture making it more explosive you could say hense giving you better gas mileage.

    As far as wither the $50 plans or a rip off depends on how you look at it. The plans do have a lot of information and I actually have the plans.. I didnt think anything in the plans was to impressive and you can find most of the stuff they tell you through your own research on the internet.

    I have just started developing a cell I hope to be able to put in my car in the future. The major reason this isn't big is that to many people make money off of crude oil. There are actually major car companies that are working on developing a hydrogen vehicle.

    Some people say that it is not efficient because it takes more energy to produce the HHO then it creates (because of the law of physics) but with alternators in vehicles you can draw power from your battery and it is recharged.

    I believe this is very possible and could be the answer to our oil dependence. They need to get rid of Ethanol and start putting all that research money into hydrogen. Ethanol just raises the prices of most stuff we buy.

    Most stuff that is in wide use today (such as the automobile) at one time had a large group of people saying it wasnt possible. and now everyone drives a car.

    I hope this helps

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