
Do things like this cause women to be taken less seriously?

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Or is this a serious issue / concern in this particular line of work?

I'm just wondering, if this is considered silly, then does it effect the way American women are viewed in general.




  1. ITs a teeny gossip website, hardly a hard hitting womans issue forum, its not the wall street journal for woman

  2. sorry, I don't open links but from what it includes, seems like you might have picked one out of a million to ridicule - which is hardly representative of women in general.  Actually, advertising this kind of behavior is what makes women be taken less seriously.

  3. Women were God's second mistake.

  4. I would say this is more issue for the rich and famous.  Who cares if the dress was worn by someone else, does she need to have an original dress since she feels so unoriginal without it? So, I just bough a pair of jeans from American Eagle, there were at least 20 more pairs on the rack...I was not concerned one bit. This article just shows how out of touch with reality the "Rich and Famous" are, just because she has these ideas do in no way mean, to me, that all women feel the same way.

  5. No it doesn't.  Hollywood stars a different breed.

  6. While I'm not a fan of the obsession with the red carpet, or SJP for that matter, I would like to point out that her appearance in that dress is part of her job...and at a premiere like that...a very important part.  

    She wasn't embarassed, she was angry for being lied to.  Because we care or not about the red carpet, it is a HUGE industry...and choices for stars' clothing are a very important part of that industry.

    I wouldn't suggest that it affects how American women are viewed...but it might show Hollywood Stars in a different light...

  7. There will always be airheads and doofuses among young people of both genders. The male version is the show "Jackass."

    I think it reflects on youth, not gender.

  8. I think it's a youth thing as well, when will people realize that nothing they can do (fashion/appearance wise) hasn't been done before by at least one person?

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