
Do think Jesus could hit a curve ball?

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Do think Jesus could hit a curve ball?




  1. most likely he can do any thing

  2. He may be able to do it, but I once heard from Lee Trevino (old golfer) that god could not hit a 1 iron!

  3. Jesus could spin two balls at the same time playing two games at once, whilst reading men's health...oh yea!

  4. Because of the miracles he did, Jesus could make the cue ball "curve" in a "miracle" masse shot that will make the ball make four distinct but similar curves for four sides of the pool table.

  5. I surely The Almighty can do it too.

  6. No duh.... LOL HE CAN DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! LOL :) (:

  7. Jesus who?

  8. Jesus can look at the cue ball and make it spin. he can do anything he's DA KID!

  9. Hummm I think I played him last night !!

    Hey Jay

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