
Do think the farve deal is plain old money issue?

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Is GB scared of losing money to another team..........Hence the large money option to stay away ......My point is if he went to another team he'd sell. And GB wants to keep it in thier own pocket


He is a shoe in for Merch.. they want it all the 25 is hush money




  1. I wish he would keep playing. I think it is just a stupid money deal. Green Bay just wants him for themselves and they don't want any other team profiting off of one of their best players.

  2. I think G.B is being selfish & greedy.

    If it's all about letting rodgers be th starting qb,then let Brett go to another team,on the other hand i see what ur talking about,once he goes to another team,it'll be a sellout wherever he goes !

  3. nope it has nothing to do with merchandising money and all to do with the salary cap and contracts. If he retires GB has no salary cap hit. If he is active or traded GB takes that salary cap hit even if he is traded. The problem is he is under contract to GB and through this retirement tried to force a change in teams while telling GB he was done.

    Now think logically here. Next years number 1 draft pick doesnt want to be a Raider. ( lol thats a shot at you raider fan) So he retires. Does this null and void his contract or the Raiders rights to him? Does it mean he can seek a new contract elsewhere?

      Tom Brady has a c**p year cause everyone is watching the Pats and they cant film defensive signals.. He retires then in the off season finds a team that will let him know what the defenses are doing. Should NE be forced to let him go for nothing?

    Yah see the precedence you would set?  

  4. green bay should have worked a deal with chicago for a couple draft picks  they could have gotten a 1st  or maybe a 2nd and 5th like miami got for  jason taylor.  

    or since favre really wanted to go to minn.  GB should have held the viking up  got a couple draft pick let minn have him this year and when favre 'retires'  again next year minn would be without the draft picks and still have no QB.  it would have hurt minn more in the long run than green bay without favre this year.

    i think it looks bad for favre is he said he just wanted to play  but  as soon as green bay threw some money at him ...  oh!  ya know i dont have the desire anymore.

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