
Do those criticizing the Palin family's situation realize what they're doing?

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Do those criticizing the Palin family's situation realize what they're doing?




  1. Yes. We are calling it what it is: an irresponsible and unfit mother who placed her "career" ahead of the welfare of her children.

    This is the "conservative family values" in action--and if they don't like getting their noses rubbed in the ugly and sordid truth of their immorality and LACK of family values. If they don't like that, they shouldn't have made a mockery of Christianity and everything Christ taught.

  2. I think they should be in lightened by your wisdom.

  3. They are pointing out the fact that this woman lives by her beliefs no matter the consequences.  I admire her backbone.  She is undeniably a very strong person.  She is also too far to the right for me but I do admire her grit.

  4. I believe they do. They are trying to divert attention from the real issues that are presently facing this nation - issues that they simply have no viable solutions to offer.

  5. Born of a broken man is right- she is a member of the Alaska Independent Party who thinks Alask first- Alaska always.  So, doesn't that make her unpatriotic?  You do like to toss that word around.

    Plus, she is CRAZY!  I mean- she is pro-life but ALSO anti-s*x ed, anti- contraceptives!  How can that be?  Do you really think telling teenagers to not have s*x b/c I said so will work?  You need to educate and offer birth control!  

    Also- no one is criticizing her family.  Just her political views.  They do the same of Obama.  

  6. I think it's wrong to criticize someone's personal life. But as history shows, this happens all the time. Just look at what happened to Clinton. People poke at McCain and Obama too!

    Anyways, why not focus on the other issues of Palin instead:

    She is a pro life McCain. All those women who are pro choice should watch out. There is a high chance that they will try to make abortions illegal if elected.

    She is younger and less experienced than Obama. Just 20 months ago, she was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 6,500 where the biggest issue is controlling growth and the biggest civic worry is whether there will be enough snow for the Iditarod dog-mushing race.

    Alaska lawmakers are investigating whether Palin abused her power in firing a public safety commissioner. Lawmakers say they want to know whether Palin was mad at the commissioner for not firing an Alaska state trooper who went through a messy divorce and ongoing child custody battles with Palin's sister.

    Palin is 44, Obama 47. She served in her statehouse 20 months. Obama served in his statehouse for eight years.

    She has ties to Big Oil. Many environmental and Democratic activists attacked her yesterday for being too close to Big Oil. They dislike her support for drilling in environmentally sensitive areas, her skepticism about alternative energy sources, and her opposition to listing polar bears as an endangered species. "Sarah Palin reinforces John McCain's plan to continue the Bush-Cheney big oil energy policies," said Daniel J. Weiss, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. "Palin may be new, but her big oil energy agenda is very old-fashioned."

  7. Who, specifically, is attacking Palin's family?

    The answer, of course, is that nobody is...but what else can you guys talk about?

    Palin is a far-right fundie nutjob hypocrite who (until very recently) belonged to a political party that actually wanted to vote on *leaving* America!

    That's all we need to know about her.

  8. Yes, they are calling McCain's judgment into question.  Here's another nice revelation for you

  9. What do you mean? I think Palin should realize that her ideals are not practical in terms of the impact on her children. It's her 17 yr old daughter that is going to have to deal with it. I think it's the result of the pro-abstinence education. It should have been s*x education like in the past, which worked. Bush's plan has been a total failure. STDs are on the rise. Did Palin or anyone else consider that? Since when do teens listen? You can't count on that. She was busy and so was her husband. Since Palin is a public figure then she should do us a favor and explain the situation. It leaves a lot of questions. It is an issue that many are dealing with as well.

    edit: Her beliefs and values have impacted her children in a seemingly negative way. Now maybe things will work out great for her daughter but the odds are not good. I think I know what I'm doing and my intentions are honorable. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes and have much to learn.

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