
Do those espresso pods really work?

by Guest65845  |  earlier

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What to putr in my coffee or tea to increase the caffeine? Are there pods of espresso to get? Do they work?




  1. Let me get this straight: You simply want to increase the caffine level of your coffee or tea drink?

    Yes. pods of espresso will work, as long as they are not decaffinated.

    Better yet, drink espresso.  It is a concentrated form of coffee.

  2. light roast coffee has the most caffeine. So, my suggestion is to switch to a light roast, and crank it up with the espresso.

  3. My neighbor/friend LOVES them.  His cofee pod machine is the center of his conversation when he throws dinner get-togethers.  It's actually pretty cool......but a wee bit dorky.

    Espresso is better the ol' fashion pressed way.  :)

  4. i use coffee pods and they work great!

  5. Yes they work but you have to use 4 at one time.

  6. They are ok.  I don't use mine often.  If I want expresso, I just make double strength coffee in my regular coffee maker.

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