
Do those opposed to ideologies...

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...protest them all equally, or just feminism in particular, do you think? :-)




  1. Usually, the ones opposed to feminism are happy enough to try and spread democracy, Conservatism and Christianity. But they'll tell you those are "truths" not "ideologies."

  2. It's not ideologies I oppose so much as dogmatism.  Too often ideologies provide a framework for dogmatic thinking.  So feminism becomes a problem for me when specific adherents refuse to consider ideas which do not fit their dogma.  But that is no different than what happens with strict adherents of any other "isms."  Almost anything which promotes the closing of minds, I have a problem with.

  3. Mainly just feminism, because that's what's the most threatening to them. They just use that, being opposed to ideologies idea as an excuse.

  4. Freedom is  a right, Christianity is a belief, democracy is an Ideology.

    Feminism is also an Ideology.

    All Ideologies are not good or bad.

    So each must be addressed individually. I am personally annoyed by today's feminist because i feel they have gone too far and want more than equality but I defend their rights to exist.

  5. Everyone seems to have their pet issues and those are what they tend to expound on. I wish everyone could discuss all issues with an open mind but that doesn't seem to happen most times.

  6. Yes I'm out-spoken about each of my disliked Ideologies equally

    which would include Capitalism,Neoconservatism,Neoliberalism... Class System,I sometimes tend to lose me rag with the Neoconservatives though.I think we should get rid of isms.

  7. I oppose everything that fits in the mass collection of modern liberalism.  I am against radical individualism aka hedonism, and radical egalitarianism aka equal outcome, not equal opportunity. Quotas, gender and race, are more important than hiring the most qualified person for a job.

  8. I'm opposed to any dogmatic belief based more on feeling than logic.  

  9. I think those opposed to ideologies perhaps oppose most fervently those they see as most detrimental and insidious to society and so radical feminism is often higher up the list. I oppose ideology of any sort yes. Proliferating information about one's philosophy is just fine, imposing it on others, really is not!

  10. Well I'm opposed to communism, christian fundamentalism, feminism, socialism, nationalislm, nazism, fascism etc......

  11. As an equalist, I oppose all ideologies which are s*x-based or race-based.

    That rules out feminism, masculism, naziism, and such things.

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