
Do ticks fall on you from trees or do they only crawl up from the ground?

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Do ticks fall on you from trees or do they only crawl up from the ground?




  1. ticks are where they are and they crawl from anywhere. if it is wet, damp and woodsy (or a pile of wood) there they are. they are so small, you don't feel them crawling up or down, be careful, where they decide to start their feeding may be a place special to you!

  2. not usual to get ticks off trees,usually high grass,keep it short and fewer ticks........tom

  3. in the wild they will find their way to the ends of low lying branches or tall grass and wait with their front legs out and will grab on when an animal brushes against them

  4. they, "ticks" do both. The ticks crawl from the ground to tall weeds for easy transfer to their host. If they  wind up on a tree ,the ends of leaf tips are perfect places to wait.  

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