
Do toddlers always kick off their blankets when sleeping?

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Hi, my 17 month old always kicks off her blanket when she sleeps and naps. Its really hot where I live so during the day we keep our A/C at about 68-70F. At night we put it at 65F. But no matter what the temp. she still always kicks off her blanket and I get concerned because I think she is cold and when I feel her skin its cold, and I am cold at night so I would think she is cold. If she is still semi consious, she'll kick it off but when she finally falls asleep then I put it on but eventually she will kick it off. When she was still a small baby she always sweated so much in sleep and still does now sometimes. So is it that shes hot or likes it cold.... any thoughts?




  1. just put her in pjs that cover her from toe to her collar, than no need for a blanket

  2. I always put my son in PJ’s with a shirt and pants because he always kicks his blankets off. I used to let him sleep in a t-shirt but I felt HORRIBLE when I woke up one time to check on him and his legs were ice. It was because he kicked off his blanket and his little chunky legs were exposed and got cold. So since then, I make sure to always put him in PJ’s to cover him up. And I check him before I go to bed at night and in the morning when I wake up…..

  3. I think you are over analyzing.  This seems to be your first child.  

    Every kid kicks off their blanket.  They don't think about it - there isn't much logical reasoning going on in their little brains anyway.  Toddlers are constantly moving during the day and even at night.  They also dream just like you and me - which could also lead to movement at night.  Either way, it's normal and happens with every kid.  If she wasn't kicking off blankets and moving around at night at all - then I would be worried.

  4. yep that is normal, i have 19 month old twins and they wake up with no blanket all the time

  5. Toddlers kick off blankets. I honestly don't think adults 'need' to sleep under blankets unless it's around 50 or 60 degrees. I've tried sleeping without them and you don't get that sluggishness and urge to stay in them when you wake up. My sisters kids always do this and they're 3 and 8.

  6. she may just prefer to be cool when she sleeps as opposed to warm. my son always did that, ever since he was a month old, still does. the only time he ever kept the blanket on was in the middle winter when it was extremely cold.

  7. usually younger kids move around alot in their sleep

    so it is normal

  8. Yes they do. My 3year old hates covers/blankets and i do teh same thing as you try to cover her up thinking she is cold. But they really are not. We have to keep in mind that their basal (base) temperature is higher than ours. Trust me if they were really cold they would use it. I have come to accept that is just the way they sleep.

    Plus they tend to move around alot and having the blanket on makes them feel refrained or trapped.

  9. Babies temperatures are higher than ours. My daughter is the same way. She's 23 months old and to this day still kicks the covers off her. In the winter I just put her on light jammies. in the summer I don't mind it to much because its so hot.

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