
Do tomato plants need to be pollenated?

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I have an indoor tomato plant and it has produced over a dozen flowers, but then they just wilt instead of producing a tomato. They are getting the right amount of water and sunshine. The plant looks very healthy.




  1. Just shake the flowers a little bit, don't be afraid to touch them. Good luck, our maters are getting bigger and bigger!

  2. Yes they have to be pollinated. If you don't want to shake your plant or take it out side use a Q Tip. After the flower is full open just dab the q tip into a flower then another and another then back to the other from flower to flower like a busy little bee would do. If it's to cool in your house the blooms will not set any way. Look in the garden section for a product called bloom set. They still have to cross pollinate but the bloom set will help to set fruit. I use it in early spring when the nights are cool.

  3. You can try tapping the flowers gently yourself or sticking outside on a nice day for the wind and insects to do it.

  4. Good question ...i dont know we are getting supplies weekly tell me...???

  5. Usually the wind will do it but you can gently shake your plant to encourage pollination.

  6. Leave a window open maybe, or help pollinate it by shaking / manipulating the plant.

    Most crops won't produce fruit until they've been pollenated.

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