
Do too rash, too sudden, and too ill advis'd mean the same thing? If not, what's the difference?

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Do too rash, too sudden, and too ill advis'd mean the same thing? If not, what's the difference?




  1. too rash......advice given without sufficient thought.

    too sudden......advice given before the recipient has become acclimatised to altered circumstances in life eg. sell house on death of partner.

    ill advised......advice is just plain detrimental to the person or not appropriate to the circumstances.

  2. They do have the same basic connotation but particular words can feel different in place of others.

    Exaggerating these words to express their meaning:

    Too rash means you are throwing things around, almost being destructive.

    Too sudden is different in time, meaning you did something too fast. (and most likely did not do a good job because you didn't have everything ready)

    Too ill advised means you asked about doing something, and they said 'yes' without thinking about it, or you received bad advice.  Then you did it, and it turned out bad.

    Basically, you did something, and it turned out bad.  Your 'bad doing' could also be a bad decision you made.

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