
Do trains run on sundays?

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Do trains run on sundays?




  1. Yes, Amtrak does run on Sundays.

  2. Sunday is a good day to watch trains around the Central Pennsylvania area.

    The Rat

  3. 24/7

  4. I suppose it would depend on the route and the area... CalTrain runs 7 days a week, 365... ACE runs only 5 days a week.

  5. Not in B*****Y Britain.....

  6. 24/7 everyday of the year, Since like 1865

  7. Yep, seems like I am away from home working on more Sundays and holidays then other days. It's a plot to keep railroaders away form the general poplulation for their own safety.

  8. In Thailand trains run every day of the year and all the hours of the day.  A bit slow though.

  9. course they do u ginga b*****d lol they dont run they ride on wheels dik ed

  10. Yes in the USA>

  11. Trains run 365/24 in virtually all weather.

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