
Do trampolines help figure skating jumps?

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i want to prepare for the axel and double jumps. so i'm wondering if trampolines are a good way to practice jumps off ice




  1. They do help a little- it depends. I took a class and it helped a little I just wouldn't do it again.

  2. yes

  3. yes, trampolines are great exercises for all sports!

  4. They can help with the rotation and the feeling of the jumps. A lot softer fall then the ice!

    But I'd be cautionary, be sure to have a net around the trampoline because you don't want to fall off and also be careful of how much jumping you are doing. I over did it a couple years ago and got shin splints, and now I have to be careful with it and have since gotten rid of my trampoline. But to answer your question, yes it can help.

    For the axel, if you have started I would try and do the axel on the trampoline. And for the doubles, I would just do jump up and do two rotations. :) Hope this helps and good luck!

  5. They'll probably help your position in the air, but that's about it because you'll have less time to rotate on the ice.

  6. they could probably.

  7. Probably not because the surface of the trampoline and the surface of the ice is so different. Practicing off the ground would help you because it's closer to what you'll actually be jumping off.

  8. Yes. I've seen people do it to practice jumps.

  9. im not working on axels yet but im not thinking that a trampoline wouldnt help much with the actual take off but the leg transition and the rotations probably im thinking it wont help with the takeoff because on a trampoline you have to jump first before you jump (its not like jumpin on ground where you jump and the ground dosent move un like walking around on a trampoline)

  10. I think it can help with air/body position and rotation, but not the jump entry (or technique of it).   I've never done any trampoline training personally, but I have some skater friends who have - and they felt it helped.    

    Here are some links to some thoughts on figure skating and training with a trampoline:

    Scroll down to Trampoline

    Scroll down to More on the Tramp

    Training in Lake Placid

    This company has a DVD that includes a Mini Trampoline Trainer Video Lesson.  Looking at the ad, doing figure skating specific exercises just might help the most with the jumps.

    Here's a video of a figure skater practicing rotation on the trampoline:

    Anyway, hope that helps!

  11. i landed my first tripple by jumping on the trampalene. GOOOOD LUCK!

  12. Trampolines are helpful in getting your body position right in the air, and things, but it doesn't really help you learn how to take off or land because landing on a trampoline is a lot different than when you have ice skates on and are on the ice. I also find that it is quite a bit easier to do your jumps on the trampoline (I can do a double Axel on the trampoline, but not on ice), and most of my triple jumps, but I can't do them on ice very well. Working on a trampoline will help you jump, but just don't get discouraged when jumping on ice is much harder than it was on the trampoline.

  13. probably, which you will also be exercising your calves at the same time.  So win win situation maybe.

  14. No, not at all, I was working on my jumps on my trampoline and it hurts. You cannot get the right dynamics. If you want help, do it on land. It will help you. If you get used to the trampoline then when you go on ice to do it, you will get NO air.

    If you think I helped, pick me for best answer.

  15. I did try a trampoline for a while when I started learning how to rotate for the double and while it's useful to let you feel what the air position is like, it doesn't really recreate the takeoff of the jumps and you can't really land on 1 foot like on the ice or floor.

    I generally do gym work and off-ice training for that instead. Jump roping is great to gain leg bounce and far safer than risking getting paralyzed forever on a trampoline fall.

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