
Do trees interfere with satellite signals?

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I have noticed that there are some houses that have satellite dishes on the roof or sitting on the ground pointing towards trees. Do trees interfere with its signal?




  1. Trees contribute to multipath. You may get several signals competing for reception.

  2. Yes - you want a clear shot to the satellite.  The satellite signal is pretty fragile.  Even bad weather can effect it at times.

  3. not to an extent. but keep in mind that satellite signals operate in microwaves and will work in straight lines (line of sight). anything in the way will deteriorate the signal, trees, buildings, mountains. but the biggest interference comes from sunspots which s***w around with the earth's magnetic field.

  4. the little dishes may look like they are pointing towards trees, but the signal comes from the top of the dish not straight on.  but anything can block the signal if it is in the way of the signal.

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