
Do trolls give anti-feminism a bad name?

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Is there a difference between a troll and a genuine anti-feminist? And if so, why don't genuine anti-feminists publically denounce the radicals? Or is it that anti-feminists secretly laugh along and agree with the trolls for saying what they wouldn't dare to? :-)




  1. I dont think you CAN give anti feminism anti pedophelia a bad name. Its like with anti nazism, a nut can be an anti nazist but that doenst give anti nazism a bad name.

    You are trying to paint everybody a troll who disagrees with feminism/pedophelia.

  2. Trolls give trolls a bad name. Feminists give themselves a bad name. They don't need anti-feminists to do that.

  3. Amazing isnt it that a feminist thinks only anti-feminists can be a troll.

    BTW There is no such thing as an anti-feminist. It is more anti-sexist.

  4. Thought it was the other way around.....the anti feminist give the trolls a bad name.  

    I was a joke.  I know feminist cant tell jokes, no sense of humor at all :p

    Honestly think if we could drop the labels easily 60% of the fem's and anti would agree on the majority of things.

    however as we would prefer, sling insults and calling names I dont think this will ever happen at least not here.

  5. Not really.  Anti-feminists have their trolls and so do feminists.  There are others who don't fit into either category.  It's usually pretty easy to tell the trolls from those who are serious, especially if they hang around very long.  If people have trouble disconnecting them from the main group, that's their problem.  It's been my experience that most of those on each side of the feminism aisle always look for the worst, most idiotic answers from the other side to make them look bad though.  I don't think a lot of people want to separate trolls from the rest, because that makes it harder to make the other side look bad.

  6. No, there is not much difference between a troll and an anti-feminist.  They do make us men appear idiotic and more like you.

  7. Most anti-feminists are not trolls, even though most trolls on this forum are anti-feminists, or so they say. I think the ones who are genuine secretly get a kick out of the trolls and appreciate them on some level.

  8. Yes; just like they give you feminists a bad name. I know for many of you the radicals give feminism a bad name; why not the same for us anti-feminists.  Each side has their good points and bad points; persona we all wish would disappear under a rock.

  9. Well feminists give feminism a bad name so I guess it all evens out.

  10. No I'm not troll, I've got real arguments here, that can stand debate. I try to denounce and expose the trolls, but it gets hard when you're the only one doing it.

  11. They sure do.  Sorry anti's, but I have lost faith in your cause since having to view rants and false accusations against Feminism, such as that Feminists are paedophiles, all Feminists hate men and want a world free of them, etc, etc.

    Tactics that would fit better with immature children come to mind when I read some of the stuff going on.

    Of course, there are genuine anti's which have some common sense and are prepared to have a genuine discussion, but anti's in general need to realise that people aren't stupid, they need to research better and be truthful.

  12. I looked at some research on trolls who like to harass women-specifically feminists-and saw there is a rich history of anti-feminists harassing feminists-so it is hard to differentiate between the trolls and anti-feminists at times as they can be one and the same-based on this research article:

    Quotes from the research article above:

    "The literature on disruption of online feminist spaces dates back to the early days of computer-mediated communication research.

    -Balka (1993) traces the history of four feminist forums from the 1980s, all of which experienced some degree of male harassment


    -Ebben (1994) describes the evolution of the soc.feminism newsgroup on Usenet, which was started in response to an earlier incarnation of the newsgroup (soc.women) having been taken over by men, and which itself has subsequently been taken over by men posting anti-feminist and misogynistic messages (Sutton, 1994).

    -Collins-Jarvis (1997) documents the crisis that befell Comserve’s Gender hotline when several males began bombarding the forum with anti-feminist messages, causing female subscribers to flee the group, and the forum eventually to be shut down.

    -In a similar vein, Reid (1994) reports an incident on a MUD for sexual abuse survivors, in which a male-presenting character with the name “Daddy” traumatized the community by shouting graphic descriptions of violent sexual acts to those present on the MUD."

    I'm sure some anti-feminists are not trolls-and there are definitely trolls that are not anti-feminists-but often on the net in feminist forums-anti-feminists often are also trolls. And yes-trolls give anti-feminists a very bad name.

  13. Feminists want you to believe that anyone who disagrees with their radical agenda is a troll.

    Troll has nothing to do with feminism, anti-feminism, or any other ideology.

    Troll is someone who poses as a serious poster to ask questions that seem to be normal valid questions but aren't.

    Lastly, internet offers anonimity, so why would anyone would be afraid to say anything?

  14. I find it funny that you ask what should be an unbiased question with very bias tone... do you really want to hear the truth, or just something that compliments your sentiment?

    1) who anoints the "trolls"... I have know a few "feminist" that would appear to be trollish to me (even though I negate calling them a "troll" because I think the word is over used and doesn’t carry any real significance)

    2)even more funny that you ask "anti-feminist" to denounce the radicals... anyone down for bombing a pageant or burning a bra? what have these acts from known feminist accomplished besides driving a bigger wedge between the sexes.

    Let it be mentioned that I agree with the foundations of women’s liberation, of course I do, they are meant to liberate and therefore accomplish equality. The very name of feminism shows bias... why would I want to fight for equality of just one gender, why not equality for all?

    seems simple and straight forward to me.

  15. The onus falls upon the feminists to call out the fanatical fems who give these supposed "anti feminist trolls", their ammunition! After all they didnt pull these silly questions out of a hat, they have seen these lame topics discussed and have seen supposed feminists in agreement with it. This forum will stop being trolled when certain people can admit that their ideas are unfair, since thats not going to happen, then the trolling isnt likely to end.

  16. Calling someone a "troll" is subjective.

    Your question and the inherent idea that "trolls" infest just the non-femminist camp is mindblowing. There are tons of "trolls" that call themself femminists and all they get is thumbsups and "bravos". Why would you expect us non-femminists to call out someone as a "troll" just because they give you a headache? They (femminist or non-femminist "trolls" so to say ) dont upset me and therefore dont bother me.

    Its the "trolls" that provide the much-needed balance out here. Without some of them around, this section will be either giving out only the positives (if any) of femminism, with the intention of making the world believe that all men are misogynists or foster manhatred without any dissention.

  17. Yeah. Because the only examples of "anti-feminism" I see is woman hating, illogical rambling, half-brained stereotyping, petulant whining, threats and infantile s*x humor.

  18. Because it's a label put by others. Most people don't call themselves anti-<blank> for every ideology in the world that they don't believe in.

    For me, I 'attempt' to look at concepts more than I do aggregrate ideologies. That way, in my attempts, I am eliminating the 'Us vs. Them' aspect which tends to bias opinions. There are some aspects of feminism that I agree with. There are things in feminism that I hope everyone would disagree with.

  19. Sort of.

    Some anti-feminists have a genuine argument, with examples. (I still believe they are mistaken, obviously, but I would be happy to discuss views with them and I understand why they think what they do). Trolls do not represent these anti-feminists.

    Some anti-feminists are very similar to the trolls, however. These type actually hate feminists and feminism, as opposed to disagreeing with it, and a fair few actively dislike women, as well. It's hard to tell if they are trolling or not, sometimes.

    Similarly, there are feminists and feminist-trolls that do not represent my views. However, there appear to be much more anti-feminist trolls than feminist trolls. I wonder why that is?

  20. Troll, anti feminst, these are completely useless words. They're used by the small minded to categorize people whose opinions differ from their own.

  21. Well, I've never met either one away from GWS, so I'd say . . . yes.  

    Notice how noble they think they are because all they do is just "disagree" with feminism?  Calling names and promoting untruths are okay because those are legitimate weapons in the arsenal of these heroic freedom fighters.

  22. No, trolls don't have to - anti-feminists do it on their own.

  23. Is there a difference between feminism and those members who call themselves feminists?  I surely hope so....

    As for why we don't publically denounce the trolls - it would appear that we don't live for the fight - that we don't seem to get a large amount of pleasure out of calling people out and stomping on them.  That would be the exclusive territory of the feminist.  And because you do it so well - I will leave you to it.

    EDIT:  Evading the question?  How so?  I answered, saying that we don't enjoy stomping on others.  Again - believing in freedom and equal rights for ALL - even trolls.  Unlike you feminists who want equal or better rights for yourselves only.  Wolves in sheeps clothing.....

  24. Not all of them, we actually think you are quite funny.

  25. "Troll " is just a quick and convenient way for feminists to label those who disagree with their ideology.

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