
Do truck's brakes lights turn on when they use their engine brakes?

by  |  earlier

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d**n,...I almost slammed into a truck yesterday, I guess he'd turned his jakes on...




  1. should. Some do some don't, but I think anything new is supposed too. Seems unsafe if they don't....

  2. No, they don't.

    And if he put the Jake brake on, you would have heard it working.

    If you don't want the blame, find a better excuse.

  3. No, it is just using the engine compression to slow the transmission and the truck down.  There is no connection for the break circuit to use.

       Try it out on a motor cycle too.  No break lights!

  4. Yeah, to use trucker terminology, you should definitely "maintain a space cushion" larger than the one you had used; although it actually takes a semi-tractor and trailer much longer to arrive at a complete stop than other vehicles, don't assume that tailgating is not an unsafe practice.  As the other folks have said, engine brakes are not actual brakes, but they reduce speed via compression--almost like using gear.  

  5. Nope.

  6. no they do not  my 07 dont and none of the 09 my company is getting dont either.     YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAYING  ATTENTION AND STOP YOUR TAILGATEING THATS WHAT YOU DESERVE  KNUCKLEHEAD

  7. Not on the older trucks and I'm not sure about the newer ones. this would be good for cars that downshift to<<

  8. No they do not......

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