
Do turbines save electricity?

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what are the pros to them? and what other alternative energy sources ar there other than solare panels and turbines? what are the pros and cons to them??




  1. They dont really save electricity as they produce electricity. But they do reduce the amount of electricity needed to be generated from fossil fuels, so it saves on carbon emissions.

    Geo-thermal power is another alternative energy source. It uses heat from deep down in the earth to heat water and turn turbines. These produce no emissions but cost a lot to build and are still being researched.

  2. no, but they help to generate the same

  3. Turbines are the most used method for producing electricity. There are a few alternitives though. One of the biggest problems with turbines is there size, which is why we use a much smaller (though less efficient) means of producing electricity all the time. Galvanic cells (batteries) use a chemical reaction to create electricity. The oxidation on one side and reduction on the other forces electrons through a connecting wire. Additionally, it is hard to get light to turn a turbine, so photovoltaic cells are often used for solar power, however due to the efficiency of turbines and high cost of photovoltaics much research is going twords using sunlight to create convection currents to spin turbines.

  4. The actual thing is that turbines donot save energy but rather generate energy.

    Thermal energy, Wind energy are another such examples.

    Thermal energy is got by burning coal and wind energy from the windmills.

    The Pros are:

    1. Few of them are cheaper means to generate electricity.

    2. Solar Energy, Wind Energy and Hydroelectric energy are renewable. Hence there will be continuous supply of energy.

    The Cons are:

    1. Few of them such as thermal energy require lot of heat thus making it expensive.

    2. Coal is not a renewable source of energy.

    I hope this is correct.

  5. Well there are other sources for power generation like Tidal power generation but has limitation like can be insatlled where ther are high tides available, Nuclear power generation and are effecient.

  6. no they dont xxxxxxx=]


    Learn to write your questions in clear english.

    Yes, you can consider they "save"  electricity, as we would have to use other sources instead.  

    But turbines are used to generate electricity from water in hydroelectric facilities. Do they still save electricity? over what? Over no hydroelectric facilities at all, yes.

    They are also used to generate electricity from steam in oil or coal facilities. Do they still save electricity? over what? Over a steam engine, yes.

  8. Actually turbines don't save electricity instead they help produce electricity. Turbines are turned which then produces mechanical energy and since turbines are connected to an electric generator, the mechanical energy is then transformed to electrical energy. Most of the power plants use turbines.

  9. Turbines are sources of electricity which means they generate electricity and yes they save the burden on other means of generating electricity

    But depends upon what kind of turbines you talk of

    theres different kinds of types

    all in all theres thermal, nuclear and wind power and dams

    and each of em have their pros n cons

    wind solar and dams are environment friendly and do not generate waste It would take you a whole page to explain

    Do go to a wikipedia and it will give you the complete info on what you want

  10. The word "turbine" means "a device that converts the force of moving fluid (air, water, steam, engine exhaust gasses or other fluid) into mechanical torque."

    So there are many types of turbines, and they are used in power systems that are both friendly to the environment and not so friendly, ranging from coal-fired steam plants, which use steam turbines, to army helicopters, which use gas turbines, to wind power farms, which use wind turbines.

    If you mean "Wind Turbine" in your question, then the answer is that wind turbines produce electricity by using a fluid (moving air) to turn a generator, without burning coal, oil, or natural gas, without damming up a stream, and without using a nuclear reaction.

    So wind turbines save environmental waste and pollution.  You can't really say they "save electricity," because they produce electricity.

  11. Turbines are used to generate electricity. Do they save it? No. You can turn the turbine with steam, as in most electrical generating plants(using coal, oil, or natural gas as the fuel), or wind or tidal or wave power, or moving water, as in hydroelectric. The alternative energy sources are the other things that are used to turn the turbines to generate the electricity. Nuclear fission can also be used to make steam which can turn the turbine, generating electricity. Other alternative sources are biomass, and resource recovery(burning garbage). Both of these are used to make steam.

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