
Do turtles grow and shrink based on tank size?

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My one friend said that he had a turtle in a 30gal tank and it was a given size, he put it in a 20gal tank and it shrunk by an inch then he got a 35gal tank and it grew again. Does anyone else know if this happens noramally? Also, does this phenomenon happen with fish as well?




  1. my turtles never shrank, the just keep outgrowing their tank.

  2. your friend lied to you


  3. they won't shrink they just won't grow.Thier growth is stunted do to not enough activity or room to move,

    why is he messin with different tanks and your head?

  4. Reptiles can become stunted (and sick) from being housed in too small an enclosure, but they cannot "shrink".

  5. Turtles do not grow or shrink due to tank size. They can not shrink period. Some species have something called Stunt growth that can happen. If the Turtle was kept in a small cage when it was a baby, it will not grow so much as it would if it was kept in a large one. I think your friend was pullling your leg.

  6. No they cant

  7. no they dont

  8. No!

    i had turtles. they will outgrow the tank in a couple of months/years but they will not shrink.

    in you tank you should have pebbles and make a little pebble bay so that the turtle can rest a shore.

    good luck

  9. Your friend is a liar, and possibly an animal abuser. No animal will grow or shrink depending on tank size. There are animals whose growth will be stunted due to inappropriate tank size, and that does include fish. What happens with stunting is no phenomenon, it's actually very cruel. If an animal has insufficient room to grow it will stop growing, but only on the outside. So it's outer body will stay small but it's internal organs continue growing. Everything becomes tightly packed together until the organs can no longer function properly. Then the animal dies. This is a slow and painful death, it can take years to happen. But it hurts the animal and drastically shortens it's life. Tell your friend to give his turtle to someone else if he doesn't know how to properly care for it. Most turtles can grow up to a foot long and need huge tanks or ponds. Hope I could help!

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