
Do twins think they looks alike?(Ppl who r twins can answer too!)?

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I have always wondered that people who are twins, ever look at eachother and think they don't resemble




  1. well my little sisters are 11 and twins and they are always insulting each others looks so my answer is going to have to be no, but then again they are fraternal twins and while they do look alot alike there are some differences.

  2. Being a twin, i don't think my sister and I look alike as much as other people do, but I can see how they think we do.  I normally know who I am in pictures with us together, now when we were little babies that is harder.  We both also have children and our kids don't get us mixed up.  I think for most people once you get to know the twins you see how much they really don't look alike. most of the time I forget I'm a twin, it's not something I think about every day and I don't tell people unless it comes up somehow.  People view twins as one person, but we are different people who have different thoughts and we don't look that much alike if you get to know us on a personal level.

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