
Do u Believe the Bibel was written with an unbiased mind?

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why they skip jesus g*y relationship with those men in the Bibel?




  1. You are an ignoramus.

  2. God is no respector of persons, but it is God's way and only God's way.  God does not consider the way of the wicked.  Jesus did not have sexual relationships with any person.  God's mind is higher than your mind.

    You refuse to accept the Lord, because you refuse to change your wicked ways.

    The Bible is the inspired Word of the Living God.  You will be judged by it.

  3. Uh-oh.

    *sits back and grabs popcorn*

  4. Don't be disrespectful, it's not cool, I'm an atheist but grow up  

  5. You Kiddo

    Bible was written by many people, many times... many updates

    the authers of Bible never seen Jesus,

    Naturally it cant be an unbaised

    everybody knows.. jesus was a g*y

    12 men

  6. Of course not.  My Bible, the Tanakh, was written BY Jews, FOR Jews, and ABOUT Jews.  It was never intended for Egyptians, Assyrians, Philistines, nor Romans.  They had their own gods.  Jews did not then, nor today, impose their religion on others.


  7. No, it was written by scores of very biased minds over hundreds of years. That does not lessen it's importance as a socio-historical document.  It also does not prove the existence of God.  And it's spelled "Bible".  Deliberately misspelling it does not enhance your image as a thinking person, even among atheists.

  8. i think unbiased minds can only write such great things

  9. Yet another inferential question asked out of complete ignorance of Scripture.   The quality of the questions and answers in R&S is spiraling downward at an alarming rate.

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