
Do u agree coz of dinning out regularly, people r becoming ill?

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Do u agree coz of dinning out regularly, people r becoming ill?




  1. Yes. I noticed that after one week of dining out, my energy levels dropped twofold. Once i stopped eating out, not only did i save a lot of money but I had energy again.

  2. yeah

  3. no, i dont agree

    if i dont dine out, i get ill

  4. Yes I agree.  Restaurants are concerned about the taste of their food, regardless of its nutritional content.  Nobody ever has a craving for a certain restaurant because it's food is really healthy.  Therefore, the food that you get is usually extremely rich and loaded with sugar and sodium, not to mention trans fats.  Eating it regularly leads to all kinds of problems.  Even places that are "healthier" choices are bad if gone to regularly.  For example, choosing a Jamba Juice over McDonalds or Burger King may not be a bad choice (fresh fruit and all), but even Jamba Juice is loaded with carbs and makes for an extremely unbalanced diet.

  5. hu, I agree

  6. yes because your diet will not be regular and might not contain the nutrients required as we pref fer to eat taste food than healthy when we are out

  7. This sounds like the beginning of one of those Colon-Cleansing Infomercials.

  8. yes, but last 10y daily I went out only... I am not geeting any ill....

  9. I'm not agree. why becuse you need food to maintain your body in good well as our sexual health.but if you take more food your body become ill.

  10. Maybe, especially when you consider the fact that many illegal immigrants work in restaurants, most of whom probably don't have their food handler's permits.  When I worked in fast food and saw how some of the younger people who worked there "cleaned" the kitchen, it was pretty gross and made me not want to eat some of the food.  Not to mention, they were always having to hurry to close at night, so there was never time to do a good job cleaning.  I'm usually more concerned about cleanliness factors than unhealthy food choices since I already know a lot about nutrition.  Even if you order "healthy" items, I think it's still better to eat at home because for the people making your food it's just a job.  Sometimes they have to hurry and cut corners to get the food served on time.  At home at least you have more control over how the food is made.

  11. of course not, dining out regulary is just a way to treat yourself, and getting a bit fatttter. but its good to treat yourself once in a while.

  12. Its not healthy to eat out regularly and it also saves you a lot of money by avoiding it.

  13. Undoubtly true.

  14. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

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