
Do u agree its the U.K.'s fault re Antigua incident because we have deported their criminals back to them?

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How much are they charging for these holidays in Antigua and obviously none of that money benefits the locals, the hospital does not have the basics!





  1. What the h*ll do they expect us to do with these people leave them here to cause chaos throughout our city's. Our governemnet do right its not our fault the Antiguans breed violent people perhaps they need to increase their police force if their people are so violent :)

  2. No Duimuid, I do not agree.  I have never heard so much b*llsh*t in my life.  

  3. The mayor sounds like he's passing the buck there. The criminals come here get locked up for crime and then get sent back home to their native country. If that country can then not cope with them how is it our countries fault, they should be working on building better infrastructure, thats highlighted by the poor state of the hospitals. They should look to raise taxes on either the populus or the commercial industries of which the tourist trade seems to be the strongest to pay for the development of their country. That is how every one else has had to do it, it's a tight rope, but one that has to be walked. To blame a foreign country for returning their own criminals is both stupid and thoughtless.

  4. Yes of course it's all the fault of the UK. The Yardies from Jamaica were born in the UK, what a laugh. They are Caribbean evil criminals exporting their crime to the UK. Antigua has always had savage violent crime and criminals. The reason they are in the UK is because they brought that attitude with them, it did not grow here. It is a constant battle trying to keep these criminals out of the UK. So when they get caught and serve their time, it is right for them to get sent back to where they came from, to rejoin their boyhood criminal friends.

    This official blaming the UK is the cause of the problem. His attitude is an excuse for doing nothing about the problem locally. Let's blame the UK then we can ignore our home grown evil violent little sh.ts instead of doing something about it.

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