metal count:
FIRKIN PPLS ARE PISSIN ME OFF!!!!!!!!! ok many ppls ar saying that china didn't deserve some of the medals it got. i mean yeah, putting a 12 year old in the gymnastics olympics might not be the best decision. [ but hey, if the kid is good at it, why not? i mean you dont have to be a surten age to skip a grade do ya?] Putting someone underage in the olympics when its against the rules IS looking for trouble. specially when youre the one hosting them. but oh well. in the OTHER sprts, china got A LOT of gold medals. i beleive since they have the most and the us is 2nd is why people are saying that china somehow cheated. how could they?!?! all those judges where from different countries!
but i mean dude, either way, why should the medal count matter? is that why we hold the olympics? to count how many shiny coins we bring back to the old hometown? hello?No! we do it for mere entertainment and to unify people!
and about the ceremony, comon people if china thought the girl was beutiful but didn't have the right voice to sing a solo in front of those millions of people, what was the terrible thing about making her lip sync instead [the show must go on, hello?]? you know, china was like the only country to include children in they're olympics. so what if they had a lip synking kid and faked some of the footsteps? the ceremony was still INCREDIBLE! i think we should all just look beyond the medals and the faked footsteps and the voice sinking kid and wach the olympics with pride and hapiness. =]