
Do u agree or disagree w the following statement ? Click here & answer it if u think u can !?

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"Immigrants should try 2 become part of the culture in their new home, & not hold onto the traditionals of their home culture"

...I really want 2 hear ur ideas, I cant' find the right answer...Plz, help me...




  1. If they are LEGAL immigrants, they need to become part of the culture-that's what they do at the swearing in ceremony as U.S. Citizens. But it's ok to retain the language and traditions of their cultures in their own homes.

  2. I really want to see people learn how to spell TO, it isn't the same as TWO. Oh well we can't always get what we want, right. Anyway people are wrong to say that immigrants shouldn't hold on their traditions and cultures to a degree. At least in the U.S. they are wrong. The reason this country is called a melting pot is because the early immigrants blended together. They learned the new culture, but brought in a little bit of their own to ADD to the culture in place. So nothing wrong with taking in both. Look at groups like the Cajuns. They still have their culture, but this country accepts them as one of our own.

  3. Absolutley. If you came here to drag your past with you then what was the point?

  4. I think the problem comes when immigrants segregate themselves. Some don't even make a serious effort to learn the language. Their young often grow up resenting or hating the country they are living in & in some cases resort to violence & crime which is bound to anger the community who quickly forget their own are not always so angelic.

    Ethnic diversity can be beneficial when folks make an effort to integrate & contribute. Let's face it, don't you just love Indian food? Some foreign girls are gorgeous. I married one.

    I just think we all need to make more of an effort to know & understand one another & deal with individuals not communities.

  5. They should do both , learn/ embrace their New  "Home" cultures and keep hold to thier Old "home" cultures.

  6. Yes I believe  they  should try to become part of the culture, but more importantly they should not be a burden to that culture.

  7. Both.!

    Of course immigrants should hold their cultures and traditions but they should also embrace the culture they are moving to.

  8. they should absolutely hold on to their traditions.  Of course they will have to change some of their behaviors to get along here, but without the diversity of a world full of differences, the world becomes very dull.

  9. Both. Assimilation is important for purposes of success and integration, however, this does not mean one should abandon or disavow one's culture.....

    After all you are who you are based on your experiences and your parents and theirs and so forth.  Layers and layers of culture surround you.  learn from it. improve upon it.

    saludos mexicanos

    G-d bless

    Di-s bendiga

  10. There is no "real" answer. But my belief is, if you want to live in America, then act like an American. Salute the flag, vote and speak our language. I don't ask you give your culture up one bit, it is great learning the ways of a new and different culture, however living in American and having freedom came with a price. A price that all who live here should know and acknowledge and be proud of it. Thank a veteran, past, present and the future. They paid the ultimate sacrifice so you could have freedom here in the U.S.

  11. Yes i agree with the following statment

  12. I   agree .

  13. Immigrants must learn the English language because it is the language of commerce.

  14. Immigrants: we have way to many of them in the UK

    if the ones we have want to live here with us theyshould live the same as us and give up the stupid ways they have , better still they need to go back home

    i am sick to death of the flood of them here draining our goverment of funds

    i am a tax payer and sick of them go home leave the UK

    now you can all thumb me down for speaking what i feel

  15. Immigrant should become part of the culture in which they choose to live.  This means they should learn the language, abide by the customs of the country and follow its laws.

    This does not mean they have to forget where they came from or drop all tradition, holiday's etc.  It does mean they have to really become part of their new home.

  16. Do you expect your brother to do the same as you

    or your neighbor??

    If you move from your home town do you want to forget it

    Why do you care?, just to hate?

    You speak English and your maybe a Christian, because your ancestors remembered where they came from, and didn't learn Shawnee

  17. I wouldnt say they have to let go of their own culture completely but they shouldnt interfere with ours and become offended by parts of our culture. If they dont like it that much  they shouldnt come here.

  18. 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' Don't know who said it but it makes sense to me.

  19. Disagree. What they do inside their homes and what language they speak there is their own business.  After all, they pay taxes like the rest of us, don't they?

  20. I think this is spot on, but in some places it is harder than others.  I have lived abroad a lot and I am very keen on donning native garb and sitting by the campfires of the locals and learning their stories.  I am up to my ears at the moment with learning Arabic, with a view to growing old in warmer and less consumer orientated climes. On the other hand, I lived in Texas for a time and found it hard to fit in.  My KKK hood just never fitted lol.

  21. Hold on to some of your cultural idiosyncrasies but adopt your new countries laws ethics and culture

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