
Do u agree that by making Palin VP, McCain is a big hypocrite?

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McCain has been constantly criticizing Obama about his percieved lack of experience.

But Palin is just inexperienced and if she was to become president, she would be a disaster because she is far too inexperienced to run a country.




  1. McCain, with all his health problems, and his advanced age, may be a dead man walking. So who has he got waiting in the wings to lead the country? An absolute novice with zero international or national experience. She's served less than half of one term as the Governor of a backwater state... with a population of your average American city.

    He chose her because she wears a skirt, and McCain figures that's enough to attract Hillary supporters.


  2. Yes I know people that were going to vote for McCain but because of his VP pick they changed their minds.

  3. omg! yes!!!

    the biggest hyporite. its clear that mccain justs wants the female vote and thats why he made such a sneaky move

  4. Palin is inexperienced?  and Obama isn't?

  5. His choice was BRILLIANT...get the Hillary vote, elect the "first" female.  And then there's her hard-ball approach in dealing with big oil companies, something she's quite experienced with being gov of Alaska.  Oil prices are at the top of EVERY ONES list.

  6. Agree.

    Now they cannot use the word "inexperienced" when they try to smear Obama.

    Comparing Obama with Palin is like comparing an NFL player with a high-school football player. They are not in the same league.

    Funny how many GOPs bought the "inexperienced" ploy and thinks Palin will become an Obama-lite. Goodluck with your fantasies Palin fans.

  7. Yes. It's good for Obama though.

    It just shows McCain was very desperate for women's vote, because he doesn't care for women's rights.

    I just find it strange that he accuses Obama of inexperience and then chooses someone who governor of a state for 2 years. He just contradicted himself. The lady has a pretty face but if something were to happen to McCain I would not trust her. McCain is 72, and anything can happen to him. The same goes for Obama. I could definitely trust Biden if anything were to happen to Obama though.

    No one but McCain brought up the issue of experience. He did it, not Obama, not the Democrats. We just find it hypocritical.

  8. So, what you are saying is that it is less important that the Presidential candidate lacks experience than the Vice President candidate.

    And, you will say, the VP should be as prepared as the President.  In that case, Palin has more executive experience than Obama and Biden.

    The difference between Palin and Obama is akin to the difference between a Chief Operating Officer (Palin) and the head of a committee that may work on a project for the COO (Obama).

    If this is the argument you wish to make, then rock on and good luck with that!


    Obama will be a disaster because he is too inexperienced to run this country.  This is why the argument does not work for Obama and why they have not made it an can't argue what you know to be true for yourself

  9. Yes.  Regardless of whether you feel Obama has enough experience, for McCain to criticize Obama's lack of experience and then pick someone who has about the same level of experience to be his VP candidate is hypocritical.

  10. I know it's hard for you to understand, but Palin is a "vice" presidential candidate, Obama is running for "president".  Less experience in the vice president's position isn't nearly the same as having no experience as a president.  Grow up.

  11. I agree that he is a politician, nuff said

  12. First of all, McCain didn't pick Palin. She was picked by the party.  Parties always pretend the pres. candidate picked the VP candidate, to make him look 'presidential'.  But they pick the VP candidate very carefully, to balance the ticket.  (d**k Cheney is the exception.  He headed the committee to pick a VP candidate for Bush, and he ended up picking himself!)

    Part of the reason for choosing Palin might have been to get the womens' vote, because women are the ones who vote Democratic. Both Carter and Clinton got the minority of mens' votes and were put in the White House by women!

    But most women are pro-choice, anti-gun, etc., so Palin was obviously not entirely for them.  Much more, Palin was a sop to the Christian Right.  They don't like McCain because he is not 100% pro-life, pro-creationism, pro-gun.  Palin is just what the Christians want.  They are very powerful in the US and McCain needs them to win.

  13. Yep

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