
Do u agree with the abolishing of using real bear skin?

by  |  earlier

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Isnt this a terrible practice. Why has it been condoned for so long. Do u agree or what r yr thoughts on this issue?




  1. I agree it should be abolished.

    Its a disgusting and cruel practice ...for those who condone it for the reasons of history,national pride and tradition....they need to wake up and look around them.

    How long can royalty and major public figures continue....putting their name to and linking their position to conservation and animal protection ....when at the same time...they are among the cheif offenders?

  2. most definately! It is very very wrong.

  3. I think all fur looks better on the live animal, I'm sure synthetic 'fur' will suffice. The fur trade is inhumane (e.g. young seals skinned alive) and there is a burgeoning European trade in pet fur. People really should do some research if they feel strongly about any subject, then make their feelings known to the relevant Government. Equally offensive is China inhumanely destroying cats in the clean up before the Olympics.

  4. I think Borat likes it though ........

  5. abolish the use of bear skins thats awrfull just for a hat

  6. There is no reason to use real bear skin any more.  I can not understand why this barbaric practise is allowed to continue

  7. I agree it should be abolished - there is no need for it in this day and age.

  8. AGREE! There is no excuse for it,there are plenty of alternative man-made materials to use.

  9. yeah it should be abolished. its aweful. using any animals skin or fur is wrong.

  10. Yes, killing any animal for its fur is sick, uncivilized and inhumane

  11. I think its a cruel practice that should be stopped as soon as possible.

  12. That picture is so disturbing ! It's sick and cruel. It should never be done in this day and age. The people responsible should be slung on hooks the way those poor bears are !

  13. abolish it -yes

  14. yes i do...its disgusting & this change is long overdue...bears are beautiful creatures & shouldn't be used just to make the Queen's guards look nice!!

  15. agree with summer rain.

    there are alternatives!

  16. couldn't agree more, in this day and age it just isn't necessary to use ANY 'real' fur. The fake ones are so good its hard to tell the difference.

    omg,   Just clicked on link and wish I hadn't!!     this is awful.   I thought Canada  was a civilised country, how wrong can you be. but then they club seals don't they.

    Wouldn't go there as a matter of Principal.    ugh

  17. Absolutely - in this day and age it should be banned.  There is a lot of publicly about people wearing fur being bad but because this is supposed to be traditional it is OK?  I don't think so, its disgusting.

  18. Yes, I think so.  Times change and we don't need to do this anymore.

    Let's use fake fur.

  19. If the MOD are insistant upon using real fur then perhaps they could re-use any old bearskin??

    I know that sounds silly but bearskin has been worn for the best part of 200 years so there must be quite a few old bearskins floating around?

    My dad collects military memorobilia, and he has an old bearskin hat in his collection, so they are out there.

    I don't condone the inhumane treatment of any animals, but I don't see the problem with vintage fur, or reusing fur which has already been used for the same purpose, after all the animal is already dead, and in the case of vintage, has been dead for a long time.

    I say this because the MOD are saying that they have tried fake fur and it is not good in wet weather or something, so just trying to think of ways to not kill any more bears, but enable real bearskin hats to be used.

  20. The answer to me is quite simple, absolutely yes!

    As to my reasons, well the list is endless, but putting the most foremost:

    Killing wildlife is both wrong and a crime against God.

    Fur is made artificially, so no need to take it from animals.

    Hunting game or wildlife encourages more killing of humans!

    In some countries bears are used for performing to gain money from tourists.

    Worldwide animal conservation is growing exponentially, so a growing conscience of peace is in the offing!

  21. I was taught if I kill something it would be for food, or don't kill it.

    If I killed the bear for food should I throw away the hide?

    I don't think so. It would be a waste.

    You can use it for warmth too.

    If I was charged by a bear, and I was able to kill him I just might want to get out of that area.

    Remember when you go to Mc Donalds, someone killed a cow so you could have that burger.

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