
Do u beileve dreams predict the future or have so sort of meaning?

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Do u beileve dreams predict the future or have so sort of meaning?




  1. i completely believe dreams link up with the outside world and can read and sometimes hint at the future. the mind is the most power machine. it and read, anylize, pedict, and react 20x faster than any computer in the world, and we still dont even understand a quarter of what the mind is capable of, especially when in sleep mode. they say if we could harness the power of the human mind during dream sleep, it would open doors more important than man landing on the moon.

    now thats fun to think about, am i rite :-]

    good luck and keep dreaming.

  2. Dreams are just what you're thinking about while you're asleep. Being asleep in a state of full consciousness, contrary to the way some people think that being asleep is being unconscious. The thing is, when you fall asleep, your brain waves change and you go into an altered state of consciousness. There are many altered states of consciousness, such as those induced by drugs. Sleep is a natural one. While in the sleep state, our minds just go on with all these thoughts about whatever is on your mind. But in that state, most people don't realize that they're dreaming and they certainly don't realize that they are in control of what's going on in their dreams (which they are because it's all really just their own thoughts). That's just the nature of the sleep state of consciousness.  Therefore, dreams certainly cannot predict the future unless you know the future already. And dreams do not have any universal set of meanings, like those found in dream dictionaries. Things in your dreams mean whatever they might mean to you individually.

    Some people even manage to train themselves to recognize when they are dreaming. In doing so, they are able to control their dreams and live out their fantasies. There are all sorts of documented accounts of this in various scientific studies people have done.

  3. There is something called outer body experience, when we sleep our soul or spirit goes to another dimension..Sometimes they travel to the future..Thats when sometimes when your doing something, and you stop and say ive done this before (deja vu) or some place that you've never been before but had a feeling that you've been there or someone you just met and felt like you've known them for years thats called astro traveling which is outer body experience where souls/spirits meets lookin through  your past life or your future..Ever dreamed of flying?

  4. No predicting the future.  You more or less end up believing in flying unicorns and invisible people watching you everywhere you go when you start to follow that train of though.

  5. well everytime i have a dream it sometimes happens its scary.. but sometimes the dreams are just a blur.. like remote viewing somebody somewhere else holding the picture and it comes up in my mind -_-

    i believe 90% of the time yes and 10% no..

  6. I sotra believe it. Its happened to me about 4 times. I had a dream and the nest day or week, it comes true. Kinda freaky. My fifth time hasn't happned yet.  I have to wait like 3 years to see if this one comes true or not. xP

  7. sometimes. most of the time dreams are useless like omg i'm being chased by a pink elephant...what the heck lol. and yeah they can predict the future if your lucky.

    Some dreams are fun or silly, while others can be scary. Most dreams do not make a lot of sense, because our brain just took little pieces from a bunch of different memories.

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