
Do u beleive aliens exist????

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I don't really know! I won't beleive anything until there is proof! What's your opinion?? Have you witnessed anything???!!! Thanks for answersing???




  1. I have been interested in this subject for over 30 years, and have read or heard of many strange stories, etc etc.

    However in the past 5 years I have read and viewed material concerning this source...

    (also [English Discussion Forum])

    And consider it worthwhile to do so.  This is the Billy Meier / Plejaren material.  He is a UFO contactee and has released a lot of information since the early 1980s'...

    You have to make up your own mind, whether you find this to be believable or not?  It is summed up on the DVD "The Silent Revolution of Truth" - the info is at various sites, etc around the Internet.

    Anyway skeptics are not forward thinkers - they only accept the past and present - and won't predict the future.  The UFO - ETs question, does not deal only with UFO - ETs, as such ---- it deal with a great deal more, and acknowledging them - will affect every aspect of our society.  I think that is why governments won't release what information they have on them - also it will show that our religions don't know anything at all.  Governments would rather do nothing (keep secrets) rather than look after the well being of all mankind.  Rather keep the status quo (leave things the way they are) than take a chance and improve man's outlook, etc etc.

    Any story about contact with UFOs, etc --- will of course, sound incredible - and unbelievable ... and it will be in the details, whether it will sound possible and plausible.

  2. Good for you: not believing until there is proof.  Sooooo, coming here for testimonials doesn't meet your fine criteria, as there are many people who *think* they have seen aliens, but haven't.  That wouldn't be proof.

    So far, no acceptable proof has ever been presented -- only mountains of unacceptable "proof."  Aliens may exist *somewhere* but it is highly unlikely that we are being visited by any.

  3. i believe they do. i once saw something very strange through my telescope and i swear it was shaped like a triangle and had three red lights. my dad is an astronomer and my mom is also a scientist and their pretty d**n skeptic but after seeing this they as well questioned what they believed in. i mean seriously in a universe this large, who the h**l are we to judge what can't or can happen.

  4. Wow! You won't believe in anything until you have proof? Cool... we don't get questions from people like you a lot on the astronomy forum. Usually its from a bunch of nuts in tin foil hats claiming aliens from Nibiru are stealing their brain waves.

    There is no proof, or even any material evidence that they are other intelligent organisms somewhere else in the universe. Nuts claim that aliens have been visiting them... the only idea that supports is that America's educational system isn't as good as its cracked up to be.

    Logically, it makes sense that there would be intelligent life somewhere else in the universe, but they are not visiting Earth by any means... before we start looking for intelligent life on other planets, I say we focus on finding intelligent life on Earth first.

    Out of the 750,000,000,000,000,000 in the visible universe, there is no doubt in my mind that there is *some* sort of life out there. Possibly even intelligent life, but we will never have proof of this. Try as we might, the solar systems are simply way too far away. The closest star is 4.2 light years away... that is amazingly far.

    People will never *witness* any sort of alien life, because they are too far away... aliens have not been visiting Earth, trust me.

    As for simple life, such as micro-organisms, they may be found in our own solar system. Algae is quite possible on Europa, but definately no mammalian life, much less any intelligent life.

  5. there is no strong evidence that can prove the aliens.i don`t believe it..

  6. I believe they PROBABLY exist. In fact I would go so far as to say I would need some proof that they do not and cannot exist anywhere in the universe before I would believe we are alone in the universe.

    But I do not believe they are visiting Earth, I think people who say they have been abducted by aliens or that they have spoken to aliens are all crazy, and I believe all UFOs are not normal objects that people with over active imaginations wrongly believe are alien space ships.

  7. mexicans are aliens in this country. yes and they're here to take'ur jobs.

  8. I believe aliens CAN exist (this is an important distinction), but until there's proof, then I can't believe they DO exist.

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