
Do u believe if u stay in a Bad Fengshui house like T juntion it will bring bad luck disaster will befall on u

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Do u believe if u stay in a Bad Fengshui house like T juntion it will bring bad luck disaster will befall on u




  1. Around my housing area, there are a few T-junctions. One house facing the junction has it's windows smashed up with curtains still up. It's been deserted since. They used to have 2 drivers and 5 cars. 2 other houses facing junctions have also been deserted with the garden furniture still in it. Another one which is my old friend's house. Her dad passed away shortly after they shifted in. Should I believe... I don't know but I'm not going to try buying one to prove anyone right or wrong.

  2. but it bring good Feng Shui to my house  

  3. FengShui is a very individual stuff. Everyone would have different effect on different situation.

    However, in most of the cases, general rule still apply.

  4. It is the most ridicilous thing I've ever heard.

  5. In my housing estate, the guy who's house is right in front of the T-junction has the latest BMW 5-Series & 7-Series parked at home. Go figure.  

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