
Do u believe in bigfoot?

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Do u believe in bigfoot?




  1. I have never seen bigfoot but i believe there are such creatures that exsist and are very tall, i believe most sightings are around America not England where i live.

  2. Not that much anymore

  3. i'm not saying i dont belive in him but i'm not saying i do. i need proof.

  4. No he's fake lol.

  5. there's something out there, i think it's a species of gorilla that hasn't been classified yet. but most sightings are made up or people think they see something that's not there.

  6. yea his species probably exists.

  7. most definately...

  8. yes.

  9. no,  but i do believe in u!

  10. I believe that there are lots of animals out there that have not been classified by science.

    I think Bigfoot is simply a North American ape that is VERY rare, and scientists haven't been able to gather enough information or evidence about it to confirm it's existence.

  11. everyone has there own oppinion. But my teacher is a freeky smart peron and he said that the pple tha twere dressing up in the costume confessed already....just like the pple that make crop srry dude i dont beleive in bigfoot

  12. Do you believe in Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny? No.

  13. LOL I wish I could.

  14. Possibly. I don't believe in bigfoot as much as I believe ANYTHING is possible. I guess that would mean yes. In my eyes, everything is true until proven false.

  15. Yea but i really do not need to care because i do not live by Snow!!!

  16. Nope !!!! I believe in GOD

  17. DA!

  18. I think theres a big possibility of bigfoots existence..

  19. yes and no.

  20. idk im always asking myself that question i was thinking to go to the place were people see it most of the time

  21. Not a question of belief, but of examining the historical, cultural and physical evidence.  Many peoples across the planet have legends of a kind of a gigantopithicus type creature.  The Patterson film has been examined and essentially proven to be genuine. Sir Edmund Hillary examined the alleged skull-cap of a Yeti when he was in the Himalayas.  There are plaster casts made of its footprints that scientists have determined to be authentic.  There is a significant amount of evidence that some kind of as yet unclassified creature resembling "bigfoot" exists in the most remote areas on Earth.

    If the once assumed to be extinct Coelacanth could turn up, why not a gigantapithicus?

    I suggest a Wiki search for "Bigfoot" and "Yeti" for further information

  22. Of course I beleive in my mom.

  23. yes i's also called the yeti in himalayas...

    wish i could find one..huge big thing...stands abt 12 feet tall.and weighs abt 500 pounds...

    lol just got the info from a friend of mine.

    i believe it's true to the very last word

  24. Yes, he broke into my house last week and killed the tooth fairy while he was yanking on my tooth.

  25. Sure

  26. oh yeah and Sasquatch too!

  27. yes i do hes real iv seen him no jk but hes out there

  28. no.

  29. No!

  30. not really

  31. Believe in Him??? He is my Boyfriend!

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